Chapter 12 - Rubicon

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Clarke is imploding. The anxious waiting for anything to come from Mount Weather is slowly crushing her, and the two warriors tasked with being the two girls' bodyguards are only emphasising the paranoia both teens feel. It's been two days since they let Emerson go, and they've yet to hear anything new from inside of the mountain. The forty-seven Arkers in Mount Weather are still locked in the dorm, their fates dangling before their eyes.

Myles is as uneasy as her blonde haired friend, but she's too exhausted to radiate the frustrated exasperation Clarke is. The redhead had managed to pass out over the last two days, the lack of sleep catching up with her quickly before completely consuming her. It hadn't been pleasant, where Clarke is being consumed by anxiety while she's awake, Myles' torment waits until she closes her eyes. Perhaps the red haired teen would be matching Clarke's distressed outwards appearance if she didn't still feel so fucking tired.

Their footsteps echoing through Alpha Station egg on the two teens constricting hearts, making the metaphorical hand squeezing their insides tighten with every sharp metallic thump. Ryder and Vero stick close behind them, keeping up with their hasty pace and not mentioning the growing tension in the cool air. The dark purple, almost black looking, jacket over Myles' ripped grey shirt stops the skinny redhead from freezing, but the material is small and tight, clinging to her form.

Rounding the corner to march down the hallway towards Engineering, the heavy brick of dread that sits in her gut lightens slightly. Turning into the open door, Raven stands in front of a clear board with a detailed map of Mount Weather scrawled across it in yellow, green and blue marker. Anything of the facility that Clarke and Myles hadn't seen to be able to transcribe, Bellamy had ventured into and had made note of everything that he could.

"Has he checked in yet?" Clarke's anxious voice asks the second she lays her eyes on Raven.

"No," the mechanic answers simply, before turning around to look at the teens fleetingly. Ravens brown eyes land on the two warriors standing close behind Clarke and Myles, and the mechanics eyes turn cold. "Worried someone's gonna take a shot at you inside the Ark?"

Red eyebrows quirk up at the sharp tone in the brunettes pointed statement, the cold words and harsh look making Myles' veins feel icy. Spinning around smoothly to look at the two men behind them, hazel eyes lock on the blank expressions on their faces.

"Could you two give us a moment?" Myles requests, trying to balance out Ravens snarky comment with a polite tone.

Instantly, both men nod once and walk out of the room. Tired hazel eyes watch the two men's retreating forms until Clarke's equally as snippy voice speaks up.

"Lexa's orders," the blonde informs Raven shortly, but the mechanics hard eyes aren't looking at the two anymore.

"Whatever, Clarke," the brunette replies evenly, staring at the map on the board and twisting something in her hands.

Myles looks at Clarke, meeting her nervous blue gaze and lifting a red brow at the mechanics attitude. Her gaze flicks down to the radio on the table behind Clarke, and her left arm jitters as her body becomes electrified with anxious energy.

"He's late," the redhead frets, bouncing on her heels and bringing her right hand up to her long, tied back hair. "Do you think Maya would let us know if something's happened to him?"

"He'll be fine," Raven supplies, but it does very little to curb the two teens worry.

Turning away, Myles brings her splint-covered left hand up to her hair, letting the rough material scratch against the back of her right hand. Her short steps pace slowly behind Raven, her restless energy getting the better of her aching bones. When she turns back around, Clarke has shifted, standing closer to another board with a diagram of the dam, a long string of equations raining down under the hasty drawing.

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