Chapter 8 - Spacewalker

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AN: Hey everyone! TRIGGER WARNING: The end of this chapter contains suicide ideation!!
This chapter has quite a bit of Trigedasleng in it, and i hope everything is accurate. I'm still learning the language, but I feel as though it provides an extra element if I have the translations there. I'm very sorry if it's annoying or if I get something wrong, please let me know if I do! Much love :)

Thick fog cloaks the late winter air in front of them, the cold mist chilling the teens to the bone. Clarke and Myles are being escorted from Lexa's tent to Camp Jaha by two warriors on horses. The anxious red haired girl can't help staring at the beautiful animal, it's silky brown coat taunts her as she walks alongside it. Lifting her shaking hand up slowly, Myles carefully brings it closer to the animals face so it knows she's reaching out and won't get spooked.

A bitter grunting sound vibrates from the warrior on the horse, his dark eyes staring harshly at her over his mask. The torch in his hand barely does anything for the fog around them, the gold glow of the flames flickering on the grey smog as if it were solid. Clarke spins around beside her, the disgruntled noise alerting her of something happening between the two.

"Can I pet him?" Myles asks politely, "we didn't have horses where we're from."

Something significantly lighter than the look he was giving her previously flitters across his face at the words. His stoic demeanour quickly covers the mans features again, his head lifting to look in front of them. No nod or word comes from the man, but the lack of a refusal is all the red haired teen needs.

Reaching her hand the rest of the way forward, she brushes the slender fingers of her good hand across the smooth and thick fur of its long neck. The short fur quivers as the skin twitches under the feel of cold fingers, and the horse turns its large head towards the teen kindly. Myles takes this motion as acceptance, and in an effort to not distract the horse too much on its venture forward, the redhead hurriedly steps forward to skim her soft hand across its long face.

"Hi," the red haired teen breathes around a wholesome smile. The horses black eye flicks around, landing on her as it huffs happily, "aren't you beautiful."

"Myles," Clarke says quietly beside her, the warning tone isn't enough to wipe the huge smile off of her face, but the hard look the blonde shoots her with is.

Her hazel eyes look back at the horse, and Myles keeps her cool fingers against the graceful animals fur as they walk, a shadow of a smile still peeking through her serious expression. The electric fence that surrounds Camp Jaha comes into view through the hazy night as they march up to the gate. People shout indistinguishable words, but Myles would assume it's something about their arrival. Bellamy is the first person she makes out, waiting not inside of the gate, but outside of it, and the handsome man is the only one that could ever make her hand leave the beautiful animal.

The Blake brother is poised with his rifle trained on the grounders approaching, and the red haired teen slips her hand from its gentle caressing of the animals hair to run up to the man in utter relief. Another large smile covers her face as her boots pound on the dirt, and Bellamy hesitates with his gun. He only lowers it once, Myles is within reach, and he ducks down as she runs to him to lift her up when he envelopes her in his warm embrace. The redhead can feel the breath of relief he releases, his whole body relaxing as his arms hold her tightly to his body.

"Stand down," the Blake brothers hoarse voice tosses over his shoulder. Hazel eyes open to look at the guardsmen standing with their guns and flashlights pointed through the gate, "they're back." Bellamy gently lowers Myles, allowing her boots to hit the Earth beneath them as he quietly mutters into her hair, "she's back."

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