Chapter 1 - The 48

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Viewer/reader discretion is advised. Much love :)

Myles is breathing heavily. The panicked girl hasn't said a word since she woke up in the small medical room. It's stubbornness, really. Knowing that she cannot escape the metal bracelets snapped around her wrists, ankles and neck if she tried. Also, it's the understanding that they don't want information, that nothing she could ever say could help her. Doctor Tsing and her young male counterpart have lifted up the redheads tattered, dark green tank top and Myles squirms, trying to complicate their task. Their plan to biopsy whatever they can of the girl is beginning to take place; their twisted minds seeking out answers and a cure in the red haired teens unwilling body.

True to the woman's word, nothing has been given to the girl to help with whatever pain they're planning on inflicting to the teens already battered and injured body. The young man wipes a wet cloth over a small patch of skin to the right of the redheads bellybutton. Myles' skin prickles at the feeling, she's still only wearing her shredded tank top, her underwear and her socks as she lay restrained on the cool metal table. Her left thigh and lower abdomen feel as though they're shrivelling up, the large, open wounds drying uncomfortably in the cold air.

Doctor Tsing picks up a long, thick needle with a clear plastic tube connected to the end of it, and the red haired teens breathing becomes harsher at the sight of it. Myles licks her lips thirstily, unsure of what day it is or how long it's been since she had something to eat or drink as her hazel gaze follows the needle worriedly.

"Can you get a specimen jar ready?" Doctor Tsing asks the man as she moves to stand over the teen, and Myles' heartbeat thuds violently under her skin. "Label it AM1 - liver markers," the man moves to do as instructed and every second Myles spends waiting is agonising. Doctor Tsing's hand presses on her right side, as if feeling for something, "You're going to need to hold the subject down, we're going in blind."

If Myles wasn't panicking before, she definitely is now. The only thing keeping her from having a complete mental breakdown is comparing the situation in every way possible to her dad. Knowing that she has dealt with a lot worse than a measly needle is keeping her sane, but there's a little part scratching at the back of her brain, taunting her with memories of Rhys. It's not too different, both the guardsman and the two doctors here are using her body against her will for their own benefit. That same soul-destroying feeling of being used and left unclean – dirty – plagues her mind.

The young man stands on her left hand side, and he reaches his hands out to press down on her abdomen, securing her in place. His firm grip pulls harshly at the barely closed wound from the metal beam that had impaled her, causing the girl to make a quiet, strained groan as she tries desperately not to give the two the pleasure of knowing that she's in pain. Doctor Tsing prepares the needle against her skin, the cool, sharp metal tickling her side before the woman plunges it into her flesh.

It's not too bad for the first couple of seconds, the normal yet unpleasant sting of a needle is almost relieving, but the moment passes quickly. A sharp pain burns deep inside of her right side as the needle hits something inside of her, and Myles can't help the small jolt she does when she feels it. Gritting her teeth together hard, the redhead almost forgets to breathe as she becomes consumed with the refusal to let out any pained noises.

"Jar," Doctor Tsing commands and the man lifts his arms away from her body as the woman pulls out the needle.

Myles goes to take a deep, relieved breath but stops when the fiery pain the doctor left behind shoots out wildly. The woman's face appears above the teen and she smiles as a condescending expression overtakes her features.

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