Chapter 4 - Many Happy Returns

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Sliding out of the tree is jarring, heavily jolting her weak limbs. Her left hand is useless, unable to grip anything or hold any of her body weight up as she slips lazily from the tree. Grunting loudly as her boots hit the ground, Myles sets off, heading in the direction of the delinquents camp. She limps noisily, her left leg dragging on the dirt behind her, disrupting the leaves and soil she treads over. Heavy panting reaches her ears after ten minutes and Myles halts, swinging her ratty, long red hair around to search for the sound.

Trying hard to silence her footsteps, the redhead leans over slightly to help blend herself in with the trees and bushes around her. Quietly approaching, hazel eyes peek around some foliage and a relieved breath leaves her at the sight of her only kind hallucination. Clarke is walking behind Anya, her wrists tied together as the woman pulls her along. There's fresh blood from a small wound on the blondes forehead, but they both look completely fine.

An itch tickles vaguely in the back of her mind, but Myles ignores it as she discreetly follows the two marching through the woods. Staying hidden, the red haired teen does her best to keep up while making as little sound as possible. Clarke has been the kindest illusion she's had, but those concerned blue eyes ask questions that the redhead isn't ready for yet. Maybe that's why she's seeing Clarke being held hostage by Anya – because Myles feels guilty for keeping her distance and being unwilling to talk.

"Anya," the blonde huffs out after well over an hour of trampling through the forest, "we've been walking for hours. Where are we going?"

"Quiet," Anya snaps back, and Myles feels herself inching closer to them as she stays hidden in the trees.

"Why not just kill me and get it over with?" Clarke presses, sounding as if the question has been burning in the back of her mind for hours.

"You can tell the commander what the Mountain Men are doing to us there," Anya breathlessly replies, pulling Clarke to match her quick pace.

"So let's work together," the blonde tries earnestly as Myles struggles to keep up. "We don't have to be enemies."

Anya halts, whipping her brown hair around to look Clarke in the eye as she spits out venomously, "and unite with someone as weak as you?" The harsh words stun Clarke to silence, and the red haired teen shifts anxiously on her feet. "I have what I need."

"Hey," Clarke sternly replies as Anya tugs her forward again, yanking back on her bound hands to draw the woman's attention. Hazel eyes scan around for something she can use as a weapon as she eavesdrops, "we both want the same thing."

Green lights flicker in the corner of her eye and Myles instantly ducks down, her left arm jittering. Men from Mount Weather wearing dense suits and gas masks hurry towards the two where they've stopped, pointing their guns at the girls. Picking up a heavy stone with her bloodied, unbroken hand, green dots dance from the forest trees onto Clarke and Anya. Left arm shaking viciously, the hidden red haired teen slinks forward haltingly before one of the men shoots at the two, a sharp whistling noise flying through the air.

Clarke and Anya drop down as hazel eyes follow the metallic looking darts with fluffy red ends stick into the trees behind the girls. Abandoning her frugal advancing of the mountain men, Myles slowly creeps toward the dart, hearing the suited men shout to each other. More darts are fired and the two girls shoot up, sprinting away from their pursuers. The second they bolt, Myles makes a pitiful run for the dart. Her head pounds vigorously as the wounds on her legs burn, dropping the heavy rock to wrap fumbling fingers around the cool cylindrical object and tear it from the wood it had lodged in.

With the device clutched firmly in her hand, the red haired teen ducks back to the side to run a couple of metres beside the two girls. Darts zoom past Myles, the men having seen her movement and they hurriedly follow the three of them. Weaving around trees and shrubbery, the redhead desperately tries to keep up while staying out of Anyas eyesight. Stumbling hopelessly over the natural bumps of the Earth, the deafening buzz of a drill blasts in her ears as images of Doctor Tsing and reapers eating people alive flicker behind hazel eyes.

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