Chapter 3 - Reapercussions

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Weak moaning continues to sound from the trapped grounders around them as Clarke fiddles with the lock on Anyas cage. The blonde releases Myles' good hand to pull at the padlock with both of her hands, huffing slightly.

"We're gonna get you out of here," Clarke promises the woman quietly. Blue eyes turn to hazel, "I'll be right back."

Clarke stands and jogs over to the unconscious grounders hanging upside down with tubes sticking out of them near the back of the room. The blonde stops as she approaches them and whirls her head around as she searches for something that could help them. As Clarke looks for something else, the redhead kneels down slowly beside Anyas cage, a low groan vibrating out of her lungs at the painful motion, and she tries to pry the lock open with her scalpel. She knows it's not going to work, knows she needs something else to anchor the locking system before she tries to twist it open but it doesn't stop her from trying.

"This isn't real," her mother jibes behind her, "you know that. Do you think hallucinating about helping Anya and her people will prove that you're not a monster?"

Gritting her teeth, Myles ignores the voice of the woman she'd spent over ten years dreaming of hearing again. Against the lock, her left hand trembles again, shaking the metal slightly. Anya watches the red haired teen curiously.

"What happened to you?" The woman demands, and the girls hazel gaze flicks up to stare blankly into the woman's dark eyes.

Myles doesn't answer as Clarke grunts to her left, yanking something from the wall. The blonde rushes over with a thin metal pipe, and shoves it through the lock as Myles pulls her scalpel back.

"Oh, damn it," Clarke curses as she tries to break the padlock open.

Disorientated hazel eyes glance around as she stays knelt down beside Clarke. Hands reach out to the two girls, begging them for help. The sound of the lock snapping draws Myles' attention back to Anya as Clarke yanks the broken lock from around the cage bars and opens the door.

"Okay," the blonde breathes, "come on. Quick." Both the redhead and Clarke reach their arms out to carefully grasp Anya. "You're okay."

Paranoid hazel and blue eyes scan around, frantically checking for danger. As the weak woman is almost half pulled out of the cage, Myles' eyes land on the familiar Doctor Tsing entering the room beside the upside down grounders. The red haired teens veins turn to ice, and her left arm shakes vigorously again as Myles frantically shoves Anya and Clarke into the metal cage. Clarke whips her head around to see what's got her red haired friend so panicked.

"Get back in," Clarke quietly orders, quickly helping the woman back into the cage and tugging the injured redhead in with them.

Searing pain courses through Myles' tortured body, making her head pound and nausea bubble up her throat. Ducking her head down to avoid the doctors cold, brown eyes, Myles watches as Clarke silently pulls the door shut. Blue eyes turn to the hyperventilating redhead in concern and Anya leans forward as the doctor saunters down to the rows of pleading grounders. The cries and groans of the trapped people only seem to escalate, becoming louder and louder the closer the woman walks to them.

"Hey," Clarke whispers to Anya, halting her from reaching out. "No."

Doctor Tsing walks to a tall container against the wall, as she slides the small door open, a light flicks on inside of the compartment. Myles can't see what's inside and her attention is quickly diverted to a woman in a cage across from them. The girls hands grip the metal bars in front of her and her whole body rocks back and forth, slamming the locked metal door against the cage loudly. Clenching her jaw, Myles watches as the doctor turns to the noise and walks past a couple of cages to reach it. Her heart hammers in her chest and pale, shaking arms jut out to pull Anya and Clarke as far back in the small cage as they can go.

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