Chapter 2 - Inclement Weather

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Blinding pain wakes Myles up roughly. The agony wraps around her lungs and chokes her, making it feel as if she's suffocating slowly. Snapping her hazel eyes open in alarm, that damn white light above her is the first thing that greets the red haired teen. Clenching her jaw, Myles starts taking in greedy breaths to try and steady the pained noises that escape from her mouth. There's not a single part of her body that isn't plagued with an extreme ache, throbbing dully as if her limbs had their own heartbeat.

Closing her eyes, Myles suppresses a sob. They've only taken three extractions of her bone marrow, and Doctor Tsing had told Cage that they would take eight. She can't handle the pain anymore, all she wants is for it to be over.

"Like mother like daughter," the redheads mother taunts from the corner of the room. "At least I earned my freedom." Myles opens her eyes again and rolls her head to look at the woman leaning against the wall of the small medical room. It's only her, the illusion of her dead mother and the young male doctor in the room, "do you really think, after all you've done, you deserve to not be in pain?"

Green-eyes is sitting at the table against the wall, looking over some papers and scribbling notes on them. The cart with all of their medical supplies is right beside the red haired teens left hand, closer than Myles remembers it being. So close that if her wrists weren't restrained to the table with metal cuffs, she would be able to reach out and grab the scalpel that sits tantalisingly on top. Her left wrist jitters against the metal cuff, and hazel eyes watch the motion numbly.

If the red haired teen wasn't so consumed with ending her pain, she might be concerned at the presence of tremors and hallucinations following a drill burring holes into her skull. Green-eyes turns toward Myles and stands up upon seeing her awake. The man walks over to her and shines his small flashlight in her eyes silently. An idea sparks in the redheads mind.

"Oh, really?" Her mother sneers condescendingly, "you're that desperate are you? It'll never work."

Green-eyes quietly moves his fingers to her throat, turning his piercing gaze to the watch on his wrist as he checks the girls heart-rate. It's now or never, the red haired teen decides, and starts putting her plan into action. Slowly sliding her left hand against the metal cuff restraining her, Myles wriggles her thumb around as she discreetly pulls her arm as hard as she can. Her thumb pops out of her socket and instantly her wrist starts to slip through the metal bracelet.

The jolting motion alerts the doctor, and his green eyes snap to her blank hazel as she yanks her arm as hard as possible to free her hand completely. Bones in her fingers snap and pop, her hand crushing painfully against metal as it slips out, but she barely feels the pain over the harsh beating of her heart. Her arm shoots out, rapidly fumbling for the scalpel with her destroyed hand. Green-eyes scrambles back in shock but the red haired teen is quicker and more experienced with death, lodging the blade deep into his wrist and slicing his skin open.

What's a little more blood?

As the man ducks forward to save his hand, her broken left hand pulls the blade out and reaches up to wrench his brown hair down. A deep purple bruise colours the pale skin of her inner elbow, coming from a small needle mark that the red haired teen can't remember getting, and red eyebrows twitch at the sight. His head crashes against the table she's lying on and the action knocks the cart away slightly, the thud resounding in her throbbing body as she stabs the blade into his neck. The young man flails, falling away and taking the scalpel with him as he gurgles loudly on the floor. Shit.

"You just can't help yourself, can you?" The auburn haired woman says with a disapproving click of her tongue, "why couldn't you have done the universe a favour and used it on yourself first?"

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