Chapter 13 - Resurrection

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A man screams loudly, stumbling out of a house completely engulfed in flames. His feet drag frantically over the dead and barely alive people burning on the ground, bright, hot flames dancing around their bodies mercilessly. One of the mans arms hangs limply by his side, blood slathered broken bones bursting from his tattered clothes as his other arm desperately swipes at the fire licking at his crippled body. The mans once pale skin is blackened with ash and soot, scorched and covered in painful looking bloody, blistering welts from the intense heat around them.

Wide hazel eyes jump from his screaming form to the others screaming around him as her slow and detached steps sluggishly pull her closer to the chaos. Myles wanders around the fiery wreckage alone and in a daze, taking in the absolute devastation of Mount Weathers missile attack. People run around aimlessly, some bolting for the fire cloaked trees in an attempt to abandon the blazing remains of Tondc, while others despairingly try to help others. Handmade structures covered in the bright orange haze start to collapse, falling noisily to the ground as fire crackles loudly and people shriek all around the red haired teen.

Everything sounds and feels muffled to Myles, as if she's under water. She barely feels the mighty heat of the fiery village, too consumed with the image of the innocent people burning mere feet from her. Large chunks of ash falls on everything, the flecks burning as bright and hot as the flames they escaped from. Small holes bore into Myles' clothes from the hot ash, stinging her face, neck and hands when they touch her skin.

Turning her head blankly to look at a woman being dragged into the tree line, Myles' footsteps falter and begin to walk slowly in her direction. The woman's skin is covered in melted boils, and the man trying helplessly to drag her away from the flames has a young child wailing in his arms. Fast movement flickers in the corner of hazel eyes, and the redhead turns her head dizzily to look at it.

A white horse barrels towards her, it's mane and tail ablaze with bright orange flames. Large bleeding grazes litter the scorched animals body, and it screeches and neighs loudly as it tramples over the hot dirt in a feeble attempt to rid itself of the fire sticking to its hair. Myles can't help watching the animal go, but her horrified eyes are quickly drawn from its rapidly retreating figure.

The horse almost knocks over a woman in a light blue coat when it flees down the path, leaving the distraught lady stumbling. Tan skin is blackened by ash, completely disguising her features, but her wide and terrorised eyes snap over the devastation. Her brown eyes land on Myles and the woman opens her mouth shakily in a silent plea for help, but it's not until the woman trips over her unsteady feet and steps closer to her that the redhead sees that her left forearm is missing. A severed and charred forearm with a light blue sleeve still covering the wrist is clutched tightly in her right hand.

She stumbles for a few seconds, and Myles' feet head to her subconsciously, her hazel gaze glued to her frightened and traumatised eyes. Her dizzy stumbling comes to a sudden end when the woman trips and falls to the dirt, the severed hand still held tightly in her grip. Fear pricks at Myles' heart when the woman doesn't move an inch once she's hit the ground and the red haired teens steps hasten slightly as her ears ring. Something else mingles with the muffled screams floating through the air, but Myles doesn't stop her boots from clumsily shuffling across the dirt until hands grab at her and twist her around.

Clarke stands in front of her, the blondes hands holding her shoulders and shaking her to get her attention. Her blue eyes are wide and glistening with tears, the reality of the decision they've made not lost on either of them. Clarke's mouth is moving, but hazel eyes switch over to the commander standing silently over her shoulder, her wide brown eyes staring at the redhead in mild concern.

"Aggie," Clarke pleads, her voice thick with emotion as it echoes through Myles' dazed mind. "Look at me."

"I could've warned them," the red haired teen mutters, her eyebrows pulling together in despair.

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