Chapter 10 - Survival of the Fittest

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Bouncing her leg anxiously, Myles' hazel eyes are stuck on the two joined tables in Tondc's dining hall. The table is covered with scrap pieces of metal and wood, making a detailed three-dimensional map of the land around Mount Weather based off of the drawings the two Arkers had made. Clarke stands beside her and Major Byrne across from them, they're the only three Arkers still in the village, and the table is surrounded by a dozen high profile warriors from the commanders clan. Lexa stands with the rest of them, her face hard and stoic as Clarke argues back and forth with the warriors about a plan of attack.

The blonde had come to find her while she and Raven were showing Bellamy what to look for to communicate with them from within Mount Weather the night before. Clarke had gone to the commander to sort out a game plan, but the young woman had demanded Myles be present for the discussion, leaving Bellamy and Lincoln to traverse the reaper tunnels alone. Everyone else had gone back to Camp Jaha, including a portion of the grounders army lead by Indra, to train and prepare for the battle.

Myles hasn't participated much in this debate, not seeing the point in it. If Bellamy completes his part in her plan, then it'll be a straight shot, and the Arkers paired with the grounders army will be a force to be reckoned with. The tricky part will be keeping the 47 Arkers and the hundreds of grounders held hostage inside alive, which will be depend heavily on time. Clarke is vocalising a very similar method as Myles is thinking, but Lexa and her warriors are very straight forward thinkers. To them, it's cut and dry, any causalities will be nothing in the grand scheme of things once Mount Weather is defeated, and if they act now, they can get the majority of the army close enough before the fog reaches them.

"This argument is a waste of time," a warrior standing at the table named Quint bellows aggressively. "It is simple. If they can't breathe our air, why not just open the door and be done with it? Let them burn!"

Myles turns her head to look fleetingly around her when a chorus of 'burn', and 'burn them' flows from the dozen grounders in the room. Blonde hair shakes in the corner of her eyes, and Myles huffs dramatically, tipping her head back in exasperation.

Clarke is clearly not through with this argument, "no, because they have a containment system."

"Multiple airlocks," Myles agrees tiredly, reciting the words she's heard several times since the two teens had left Mount Weather. Lexa flicks her eyes from the table to her hazel, the black dust no longer across her face, "like we had on the Ark. It filters the air, keeping it clean and not letting anything else slip through. Our inside man can shut that down."

"If," Quint emphasises with his arms crossed, his dark eyes glaring at Myles and his angry expression accentuates the large, thick white scar under his left eye. "He gets inside."

"What if we shut it down from the outside?" Lexa asks, buying into the Arkers idea.

Clarke's face twitches, as she catches onto Lexa's train of thought, "the dam gives them power." Myles turns to lock her eyes on Clarke's blue, and the blonde continues haltingly, "we could take that away."

"It would take an inexpedient amount of power," Myles explains, "the fastest way would be to use explosives, or to damage the walls, but that would cause flash flooding. We could tunnel around it, make a small opening in one of the walls to stop the tsunami and let the water drain out away from their turbines and into the soil but that would take months, years. We'd need to have access to the turbines to cut off the power."

"So," the blonde Arker sighs in defeat, "if there's no way to take the dam down direc – "

Red eyebrows stay resting high on her forehead, but her silence as Clarke summarises her words is all Quint needs to fuel his anger even more. Cutting off Clarke by shouting wordlessly and smashing his fists on the table, the mans piercing blue eyes glare at the two girls before flying to the commander.

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