Chapter 5 - Human Trials

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AN: I just want to take a moment to thank creator lvmehtme! The idea of the string of rhyming words acting as a form of EMDR treatment came from one of his brilliant works!
Here's the link to his page if you'd like to go check him out!

Major Byrne barks out orders as she marches in front of the members of the guard that drag Myles and Clarke roughly along the ground. Bright white lights shine on them as they are hauled through a tall gate, blinding the red haired teen who's head throbs with her heartbeat. The intensity of the glaring lights warms the redheads skin in the otherwise cool night air. Gravelly dirt scrapes against Myles' boots and the loose pants covering her legs, grating noisily past prying eyes.

The dazed teen struggles to keep her eyes open, the alluring pull of sleep taunting her as her pounding head bows to avoid the blazing lights. Hands grip tightly under the red haired teens armpits and for a moment the girl is convinced she's back in the tunnels under Mount Weather. Snapping hazel eyes open dizzily, Myles lazily rolls her head around, her eyes skimming dozens of faces as they curiously watch the dirt and blood covered teens being forcefully pulled through their camp.

Clarke is being held by members of the guard beside her, the blonde looking as exhausted as Myles feels. Her blue eyes are looking sleepily at the dirt, all fight having left the teen the second the first shot was fired. Major Byrne stops ahead of them, causing the men carrying the teens to halt as well, and Myles' eyes sweep up to the woman's stern expression.

"How many of you are there?" Major Byrne demands, her pale skin and blonde hair blurring to take the form of Doctor Tsing.

The sight of the black haired doctor here sets a fire alight in the red haired teens chest, her body jittering with fear. Desperate grunts escape the teen as she struggles weakly in the arms of the guardsmen, panicked shouts still echoing across the camp. Her boots slide helplessly over the dirt as they surge forward again, Major Byrne yelling out a command to continue their purposeful strides towards the intact section of the Ark.

A familiar woman steps in front of the steadily approaching group of guards, and Myles recognises her instantly. It's Clarke's mother, looking very much alive and baffled at the scene the guards are making. The men's arms jolt the teens body as they march on, and hazel eyes drop down again as white hot pain courses through her body.

"Wait," Doctor Griffin orders, her voice is airy and desperate as she leaps towards them.

"Once the Prisoners are secure," Major Byrne intercepts the woman's rapid approach and hazel eyes glance at her barely conscious blonde friend.

"She's not a Prisoner," Doctor Griffin explains tearfully, shoving past the woman. "She's my daughter."

The guards holding the teens up halt, and the doctor jogs forward to kneel down in front of her daughter. Unable to hold her head up anymore, Myles watches out of the corner of her eye as Doctor Griffin cradles Clarke's face.

"Clarke," the woman breathes out, brushing mud covered hair from the girls face.

"Mum?" Clarke enquires with a hopeful lilt to her voice.

At her daughters voice, Doctor Griffin let's out a relieved sob and the guards don't stop the two from embracing. Their grip under the red haired teens armpits sags slightly, causing Myles to slip forward lightheadedly. The guardsmen quickly tighten their grip on the girl as the illusions of the mother and daughter reunite happily beside them, holding her mostly off of the rough dirt.

"You have to help Myles," Clarke pleads, separating from her mother. "They drilled into her skull, I don't know what they did to her. She needs help."

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