What Does it Mean?

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What time is it, NEW CHAPTER TIME! This is a filler chapter, which I seem to be doing a lot of these lately. But there is a little bit of Jaya and Coliel 🥰, so I hope that makes y'all happy. Enjoy the chapter and please comment. 😉

After their visit to Nya's parents, the group returned to the Monastery of Spinjitzu for the night. Seliel was staying for dinner so Cole gave her a tour of the monastery to pass the time as Zane and Pixal prepared another cooking masterpieces.

Meanwhile, Jay and Nya had to give a good excuse to Kai and Lloyd. They didn't want them to know about anything that was going on. Jay only trusted Nya, Cole, and Seliel with what was happening to him.

"So, you two convinced Cole to go to Nom and talk to Seliel in an attempt to get them together?" Lloyd questioned as they set the table for dinner.

"Yes," Jay said, trying to act normal, but wasn't doing a very good job. He wasn't a very good liar after all. "We just thought we'd go see an old friend."

Kai and Lloyd looked at them suspiciously. Jay was a horrible liar, so they knew that they were up to something, but didn't know what it was.

"Anyway, anything happens while we were gone?" Nya asked, getting them to change the subject.

"Yeah, something actually did happen," Kai admitted. "There was a prison break at Kryptarium Prison."

"Really?" Jay said surprised. "Who escaped?"

"Ultra Violet and Killow escaped before Zane and Pixal even got there, but luckily, no one else got away," Lloyd told them. "But we still need to track them down."

"Do you need all of us or just a few of us?" Nya asked, looking at Jay a little worried. The last thing they both needed was the escapees getting in their way of finding the next clue.

"I think Zane, Lloyd, and I can handle it," Kai said. "after all, they probably don't even know what to do since we beat their biker gang."

"I don't know, Kai, I think we should have everyone look into this. There's no telling what those two will do now that they're free." Lloyd told him.

"It's no big deal. She's too crazy and he's just stupid. It's a miracle that they escaped in the first place." Kai cockily said.

"Okay, but let's talk about it after dinner," Lloyd said as they all sat down and waited for Pixal and Zane.

Then Cole and Seliel entered the dining room and took their seats. Seliel smiled and asked, "What is that amazing smell?"

"That, my friend, is the wonderful smell of Zane's cooking," Kai told her as they all took their seat. Soon Pixal and Zane can out with food that looked like it belonged to a five-star restaurant.

"Dinner is served," Pixal said as she put it down on the table. The Nindroid couple cooked chicken, mashed potatoes, tomato soup, and green beans. Everyone's mouths began to water just from looking at it.

"Wow, this looks and smells amazing," Seliel commented.

"Just wait until you taste it," Lloyd said as he took a bit of chicken. Seliel took a bit of it and was instantly impressed. It was the best food she had ever tasted.

"Wow, you two have awesome cooking skills." She said as she ate more of her food. "This is the best food I've ever had."

As dinner went on, Seliel got more details about the Ninja's adventures. She admitted that she was a little jealous that they got to go on such amazing adventures, but was still excited to hear them none the less.

"So, I think it's time we looked at that thing, right guys," Nya said after dinner.

"I totally agree, Nya," Jay said, getting up from his chair. Cole and Seliel looked at each other, then followed the couple.

The others just stared at them suspiciously as they walked out of the room. If they didn't need to catch Ultra Violet and Killow, they'd start snooping on the group.

In Jay's room, Jay opened the letter and was instantly confused. The letter didn't have anything written on it other than the usual Dear Jay, Love Mom, and a bunch of dots. It was really strange.

He showed the letter to the others, but they were just as confused as he was. None of them could find out what the code was or what the message meant.

Jay looked at the letter again. He tried to look for anything out of the ordinary, but everything in that letter seemed out of the ordinary to him! It was written in some sort of code.

"What does it mean?" Jay asked the others.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Cole said, a confused look on his face as he looked at the writing again.

"It's obviously written in some code," Nya said, stating the obvious a bit. "We just have to find someone who knows it."

"But who would know this type of code. It looks pretty old and ancient." Seliel said as she examined the dots on the paper, then looked at her phone and said, "But I, unfortunately, have to go now."

"What, why?" Cole asked, a bit sad.

"My Dad wants me home before midnight. Yup the Phantom Ninja has a curfew." Seliel embarrassingly said. "I have to get home or he's going to lock me in my room for the rest of my life. But I promise I will help you out tomorrow."

"Hey, maybe I can take you." Cole offered, trying to blush this time. "I mean, Nom is a long walk, you need to get home quick, and I happen to have a quick dragon."

"Thanks, Cole, I'd like that," Seliel said as she and Cole walked outside and rode Cole's dragon to Nom.

Jay and Nya shared a smile as they watch the two disappear on the dragon. Jay turned to Nya and said, "I'm now totally a Coliel shipper."

"Coliel?" Nya asked, a bit confused.

"Cole and Seliel, Coliel. It's them together. Like how Jaya is us." Jay told her.

"Well then, I'm a total Coliel fan." Nya said, then kissed Jay passionately on the lips and said, "But I prefer Jaya over any other ship."

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