A Clue From Wu

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New Chapter! Sorry I haven't updated this story in awhile, but I've been busy trying to complete my other one. Please enjoy and comment. 😉

Very early the next morning, Jay couldn't fall asleep. He just couldn't stop thinking about the last clue in the letter. What did all those dots mean? So, at 5 o'clock, he got up from bed and started to get ready to the day.

As soon as he was done getting dressed, he hurried downstairs to eat a quick breakfast and started looking at the clue. He sat at the dining room table for a few hours looking at the letter.

"What do you mean?" He asked the letter as he looked at it with no clue whatsoever. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"Well, you've officially lost it." Cole said as he can into the room and sat next to him. "How long have you been up?"

"That depends, what time is it?" Jay asked, not looking up from the clue.

"It's 8:30 in the morning," Cole said.

"Oh, then only three and a half hours." Jay told him, still not looking up at Cole.

"Jay, you need to sleep, or at least take a short nap." Cole tried to convince him.

"I'll sleep after we crack this code and find the next clue." Jay told him, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"No Jay, you're going to bed and sleeping for at least an hour or two." Cole said, pulling Jay out of his chair and pulling him towards his bedroom.

"But what about the clue?" Jay asked, trying to get back to the letter but was to tired to get out of Cole's tight grip.

"Me, Nya, and Seliel will try and crack it while you're resting." Cole said as he pushed Jay into his room. "Just relax and let us worry about the letter for awhile."

Jay knew that it was useless arguing. So he got into his bed and soon fell asleep. Cole stayed by his door until her heard his brother-in-arms soft snores. He smiled and then went back downstairs to look at the letter, and was surprised to see Nya already doing just that.

"Morning Nya," Cole said, taking a seat next to her.

"Good morning Cole, where's Jay? I'd thought he'd be the first one up." Nya asked him.

"He was up at five in the morning trying to figure out the letter. I told him to go back to bed and get some rest." Cole informed her.

After a few hours, the two Ninja still couldn't figure out what the letter said. They thought it could be morse code, but it wasn't that either. Soon Seliel arrived to help them and Jay woke up from his long nap.

"So, did you guys find out the clue?" Seliel asked them.

"No, we've got nothing. It might as well be written in an ancient language. We can't make sense of any of it whatsoever." Cole complained.

Then they heard the others and Wu's footsteps coming towards them. They quickly hid the letter and tried to act as normal as possible.

"Hey guys, we're here to talk about what to do about Ultra Violet and Killow." Kai told them as he and the others entered the room.

"Okay then, what are we going to do?" Nya asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Well, as we talked about last night, I think we should all look into this." Lloyd said.

"Lloyd, it's Ultra Violet and Killow, they're not much of a threat. She's to crazy to think of a plan and he's just plain stupid." Kai said confidently, which earned him a whack on the head from Wu. "Ow, what was that for?"

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