Oak Hill

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After weeks of work, I present to you, the next chapter! I really hope you all enjoy the chapter. I'm also trying to make my stories longer so you'll all enjoy them more. 😉

Also, a big thanks to all of you who helped calm me down when I thought I lost all my stories, including this one. Just hearing that it happened to a few of you made me feel a little better and gave me hope that all was not lost. So thank you!

"How could you not tell us about all of this?" Lloyd asked as they were all flying towards Mystic. "I mean, I get why, but you could have at least told of some of what you were doing."

"Because you were all busy with looking for Ultra Violet and a Killow." Nya jumped in to help her boyfriend. "Plus, it was personal, not a real mission."

"Okay, you have a point," Kai admitted. "And this is something that Jay probably didn't expect to happen. I could only imagine what it's like to be told your adopted."

Jay gave a small snort at Kai's remark. He had been shocked the first time he heard he was adopted. The second time, he was just surprised it was all real. So, in a way, he had kinda suspected he was adopted after the whole Nadakhan situation. He just never thought about it really.

"My sensors say that we are nearing the town of Mystic," Zane informed them. "We should be able to see it at any moment."

Maya was right about the town of Mystic. It was so small that it just had one dirt road. The shops and few houses were all lined up in a line with a little space between them. There were a few people out enjoying the day. A few girls playing hopscotch, a woman sitting on her porch reading a book, and an old man who looked to be taking a walk.

"We should probably ask for directions," Pixal suggested as they all looked in every direction of the town, not sure where to go. "Perhaps someone knows the house we need to go to."

"Excuse me sir, but we are a little lost. Would you be so kind as to give us directions?" Zane asked the old man who had been taking a walk.

"Where are you looking to go?" he asked them.

"Well, there's a certain person who lived here in Mystic when she was a kid and we need to find out where she lived," Kai told him. They didn't notice the look on the man's face until he spoke again.

"Mystic isn't the town name!" the man grumbled angrily at them with a very large frown on his face. "This town's name is Oak Hill!"

"Why do people call it Mystic then?" Seliel asked him, not really wanting to make him angrier but also wanting to know why people called this town Mystic when it was supposed to be called Oak Hill.

"Because centuries ago, this place was home to some witches and wizards. But nearby villages thought everyone in town was magic, so they gave the town the stupid nickname, Mystic. Everyone in town hates it." he explained.

"Okay," Cole awkwardly said, feeling uncomfortable. "But, back to our original question, we're looking for a certain house. A girl named Libby uses to live there."

"Are you talking about Libby Wilson?" he asked them, less angry now.

"We're not really sure what her last name was," Jay told him. "We just know that her name was Libby and that she lived her when she was a girl."

"Well, it's gotta be Libby Wilson, there hasn't been anyone else by that first name since her." the man told them. "Heard she was a very sweet little girl but was also one of the biggest troublemakers we've ever had in town."

"Do you know where she lived?" Nya asked.

"Yeah, she lived just on the outskirts of town — I actually remember seeing her when I was just a boy — so just follow the dirt road about a few miles down and turn when you reach a mailbox that says Wilson on it, can't miss it," he told them, then went on about his day.

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