Back to Nom

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It's new chapter time! I hope you guys like this chapter, I worked really hard on it. It was really fun to write because there's a little bit of Coliel in it. Hope you guys enjoy and please comment. 😉

The ninja rode their dragons to Nom. But as they dropped into Nom, they heard a very loud alarm go off at the bank.

"Oh great, a welcoming committee." Cole said as he and the others ran to the alarm. But when they got there, they saw a familiar figure fighting the robbers. Wearing her gray ZX robe and mask, the Phantom Ninja was kicking the bank robbers butts.

Upon seeing their old friend, the ninja jumped in to help her. As they fought, Seliel noticed the ninja and started talking to them.

"Hey guys, it's good to see you again." Seliel said as she punched a robber in the stomach.

"It's good to see you too." Cole said as he knocked a robber off his feet. "How have you been?"

"Good, but nothing exciting has happened so I'm extremely bored." Seliel complained as she threw a smoke bomb at the robbers."These guys are the most fun I've had in months."

"Sorry to hear that," Cole said as he finished off the last robber.

"Not a problem. I have more time to spend with my dad." Seliel said as she tied up the robbers for the cops. "So what brings you all to Nom?"

"Uh, can we talk about it somewhere more private?" Jay asked, nodding to the robbers who were giving them all weird looks.

"Yeah, that might be best." Nya agreed, and they all started to walk off. They ended up going to the park to talk. They sat on a bench and started to talk.

"So, why did you three come back?" Seliel asked again as she took off her mask, exposing her pink and blue hair. "Hopefully not to tell me more Nindroids are coming."

"Nope, no Nindroids this time." Nya said, a little bit a laughter in her voice. "We're actually here to find a flower shop."

"What flower shop?" Seliel asked them. "And why are you going to a flower shop?"

"The shop's called Beautiful Bloom, do you know it?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, they sell amazing roses, especially on Day of the Departed." Seliel said, standing up and pulling Cole to his feet. "But again, why do you want to go to a flower shop?"

"We'll explain on the way there." Jay told her as they started to walk to Beautiful Bloom. They told Seliel all about the letters, the villa, and the latest clue they had.

"So you think that Beautiful Bloom might have your next clue?" Seliel asked.

"It has to be," Jay said in a determined tone. "The letter was inside a bag with the Beautiful Bloom logo on it. And the last sentence of the letter was, 'Just remember to stop and smell the beautiful flowers in bloom.'"

"Yup, that does sound like it would lead you here." Seliel said, and stopped walking. "Welcome to Beautiful Bloom."

The shop was a small store. It had glass windows with flowers in vases displayed in it. It looked like the kind of shop you'd only see in the movies.

"Okay, let's go in." Nya said, taking Jay's hand and walking into the store.

The inside of the store was just as nice as the outside. There were tables holding flowers of all kinds. Some were in pots, others were in vases. But the entire store was covered in flowers.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?" A young woman at the cash register asked them. She looked about their age, but possible a little older. She had light brown hair in a short bob cut and brownish-greenish eyes.

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