Ray and Maya

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New chapter time! Sorry this chapter took so long to write, but I had little time over the last couple of days. Hope that you guys can forgive me. Enjoy the chapter and please comment. 😉

As the group rode their dragons to Ignacia Cole caught Seliel up on all their adventures that's happened since the Nindroids.

"You've face Anacondrai warriors, ghost, the Masters of Time, Garmadon, Dragon Hunters, and Oni! That sounds so cool!" Seliel said as she held tightly onto Cole.

"It was pretty cool," Cole admitted. "But it probably would have been cooler if you were there." Seliel blushed at Cole's words.

Jay and Nya both smirked from their Hydro Electric Dragon. They knew that Cole and Seliel liked each other and were perfect for each other. They were both hoping that this adventure would bring them closer together, and possibly even make them an official couple.

"We're almost there!" Nya called from hers and Jay's dragon as they neared her childhood home.

Ignacia hadn't changed since the ninja's last visit. It still has the same rice fields near the blacksmith shop where Kai and Nya have lived before Sensei Wu had shown up. They all landed and dispelled their dragons in the Smith's year, then walked up to the shop. Nya knocked on the door and a moment later Maya opened the door and broke into a big smile.

"Nya, what a great surprise." She said as she pulled her daughter into a hug. "What's the occasion?"

"Mom, it's great to see you," Nya said, hugging her back. "And we're here to talk to you and Dad about something very important."

Maya took her eyes off her daughter and looked at her other three guests. "Jay, Cole, it's so good to see you two again." She said then turned to Seliel. "And who are you?"

"This is Seliel, she's an old friend of ours," Cole said, putting a hand on her shoulder - this time without blushing.

"Well, any friend of my daughter is a friend of mine," Maya said as she shook Seliel's hand. "Now why don't you all come in. I'd love to hear what's going on."

They all entered the blacksmith shop and sat in the living room, while Maya disappeared into the kitchen and came out with five cups of tea.

"Where's Dad?" Nya asked, noticing that her father wasn't there, as she took a sip of her tea.

"He left to discuss a business deal with some people. He should be back any minute now." Maya told her daughter.

"Well that good," Jay told her. "because we really need to talk to you two about..."

A second before he finished the sentence, the door to the Smith house opened and Ray walked in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw that he and his wife had guest, and was delighted that one of them was his daughter.

"Hi Dad," Nya said and ran over to hug her father.

"Hello Nya," Ray said as he hugged his baby girl. "what are you doing here?"

"We're here to ask you and Mrs. Smith about an old friend of yours in the Elemental Alliance." Cole finally told both of them.

"Which one, cause we're happy to talk about anyone of them, except..." Maya began, but fell silent. But she didn't need to complete the sentence. They all knew which two Elemental Masters she was talking about.

"No, we're not here to talk about them, we're here to ask you about the Master of Lightning." Nya told her parents.

Maya and Ray shared a shocked look at first, then finally, they took a seat on the couch and Ray said, "What do you want to know about her?"

"What happened to her?" Jay asked them desperately.

"We don't really know." Maya told him. "She disappeared long before we were taken by Krux."

"What do you mean 'disappeared'?" Seliel asked them, and took a sip of her tea.

"We mean that one day we knew where she was, the next she was gone." Ray said. "And all traces of her were gone. It was like she never existed."

"When was the last time you saw her?" Cole asked after he took a sip of his tea.

"That last time we saw her was when she brought Jay with her to visit us." Maya said, then turned to Jay. "You were just infant, and while you were here, Libby gave us an envelope with a letter inside and said to hide it here until the time was right."

"Well, that's actually what we came to ask for." Jay told them. "Do you still have the letter?"

"Yes, wait right here." Maya said, and walked out of the living room. After s couple of minutes, she came back with a envelope in her hands. "I'm guessing the time is right now."

"Yes, we're trying to find what she hid, do you have any ideas?" Nya asked both her parents.

"We have no idea," Ray confessed to her. "Libby wouldn't tell anyone about what she was doing, which was very unlike her. She was a very talkative person."

"Like mother, like son." Cole whispered to Seliel, who gave a small and quiet chuckle in response.

"The first letter also said that she hid me to protect me, do you know what she was trying to protect me from?" Jay asked them.

Ray and Maya shared another look before Maya said, "We made a lot of enemies in the Elemental Alliance, the Serpentine, Chen, and the Time Twins were just the tip of the iceberg. So we can only guess which one Libby was talking about in her letter."

"Okay, but thanks anyway, Mom and Dad." Nya said, then looked outside. "We'd better head back home, it's getting dark."

"I should probably go back to Nom," Seliel said as she got up, but Cole then grabbed her hand and said, "No, why don't you come over to the monastery for dinner?"

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on your home." Seliel said.

"None sense, Zane's cooking tonight, and he's an amazing cook." Nya said, putting an arm around Seliel, who said, "Okay, if you all insist."

"Great!" Cole said, a little to loudly, the grabbed her hand and pulled her outside to take her to the monastery, and left Jay and Nya to say goodbye to Nya's parents.

"Bye Mom and Dad, I'll visit again soon." Nya said as she and Jay walked out, then she said, "We can look at the next clue at the monastery."

Jay gave her a big smile and said, "You're the best Yang ever." Then gave her a, rather short, kiss on the lips. They then formed their dragon and took off to the monastery.
Maya watched from the window as the Ninja left her home. She didn't say anything to them, but she had a feeling she knew who Libby was trying to protect Jay from, and it wasn't someone you wanted to mess with.

"Maya, I know what you're thinking, and I'm sure it's not them." Ray told his wife as he wrapped his arms around her.

"But what if it is? What if they're back?" Maya asked in a rather worried tone.

"My love, they disappeared long ago. There is no possible way that they could be what drove Libby to disappear and hide Jay." Ray told her, then left to make their dinner.

Maya stood in the window for a few more moments, hoping that her husband was right, but something in her gut told her that he was wrong.

Libby was her best friend, and told her everything, even her darkest secrets that she never even told anyone else in the alliance, not even Wu or Garmadon. And Maya knew that there was only one threat that the alliance faced that scared Libby more than anything else they had faced before. And she prayed they would never ever return to Ninjago again.

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