A Chest of Answers

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Here's the new chapter! I would have posted this last night but I wanted to make you guys a little more anxious. I know that's kinda mean, but I just shows me how much you guys are actually liking my story. 😁

Anyway, I hope this chapter brightens your day a little. Unlike here, where it's going to be raining for the next couple of days. 😩 Please comment and enjoy the story. 😉

Inside the chest was filled with a bunch of different things. There were a few thick looking books, a black rock, a colorful bracelet, and a very familiar blue gi. But what caught Jay's attention the most was a small envelope.

He reached inside and grabbed it to get a better look. He looked at the back of it and it read: To Jay. He opened and read it, finally ready for some answers.

Dear Jay

If you're reading this, it means you've finally found the chest I buried when I decided to disappear. No more riddles, only the truth. I left you with the Walkers because you weren't safe with me or your father. I was protecting you from someone who would hurt you just to hurt me.

It's my fault she's here, I brought her back. If I hadn't been so careless, none of this would have happened. It's all my fault, so I have to be the one to fix it.

Beware, Jay, she'll want revenge on me, and she'll use you to do it. She plans to use them to bring the others back. I have to stop her, they can't be reunited. Be care sweetie, and be safe.

Jay was left with so many more questions than answers after reading the letter. Who was 'she'? Who were 'they'? Why did his birth mother have to stop them? How was it her fault? And why couldn't she be more clear on who she was trying to stop?!?

He looked at one of the books in the chest. As he picked it up, he flipped open to the first page, where it read, 'This diary belongs to Libby Wilson/Gordon.' It was his mother's diary.

Now he had something that might give him answers, but he was hesitant. This was someone else's diary. Did he really want to read through it and invade his mother's privacy just to get some answers?

Technically, Libby left everything in the chest to Jay. So, if she really didn't want him reading her diary, she wouldn't have put it in the chest. So, it was okay for him to read. Happy when he realized this, Jay flipped open the diary to the first entry.

Dear Diary

I never realized how much I miss Oak Hill until this week. Sure, seeing all of Ninjago is exciting — except nearly dying, that's slightly less exciting — but I miss all the things I use to do in Oak Hill.

I miss my parents, my friend, pulling pranks on all the annoying girls who I went to school with — for the record I miss the pranks and not the mean girls — and all the other things I use to do. I can't wait until the war is over and I can go back home.

Jay smiled at the entry. It sounded like his mother loved Oak Hill. He flipped to the next pages to see the next few entries she made. One, in particular, caught his eye.

Dear Diary

Today, after I was done fighting Serpentine in Jamanakai Village, I met the most obnoxious man in all of Ninjago, Cliff Gordon. He bumped into me and said it was my fault. Who does he think he is?!? I would love to punch him for saying it was me who bumped into him. Maybe he should watch where he's going.

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