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I finally finished another chapter of this story. 😁 Sorry I made you guys wait long, again, but to make it up to you all, I made this a really long chapter. Well, longer than usual. I'll try and post another chapter real soon. Enjoy and comment. 😉

When the foursome got back to the monastery, they quickly asked Wu if he knew anything about the note or key, but he told them he knew nothing of the items. So the three Ninja and Phantom Ninja retreated into the game room to think.

"Why would your mom leave a blank note and a key under a sign in Jamanakai Village?" Cole finally asked after the four of them were done brainstorming on where to go and what the note was.

"There has to be a secret message on it or something," Jay said as he looked at the note as if it was going to reveal what was on it.

"Think, maybe there was something in the last letter," Seliel said as she examined the last letter with Cole.

"Or maybe there's nothing in the letter and she thinks that we'll find a way to figure it out on our own," Nya suggested. "So we have to figure out the message by ourselves."

"We could try burning the paper and see if writing appears on it!" Cole suggested to them excitedly. "It could relieve a secret message!"

"Hold your roll there, pyro," Seliel said, raising her hands at the suggestion. "Maybe we should try all the less flammable options before we risk biting the paper and losing our only lead to find why Jay's mom left him."

"Yeah Cole, don't turn into Kai. Your element is earth, not fire." Jay joked to him. Cole gave a small laugh at the joke.

"Okay, but if we can't think of anything, I say we wait until Kai gets back and ask him to put fire as close to the note as possible without it catching on fire," Cole said, giving them all a big smile at his suggestion.

"What else could reveal a message other than fire?" Jay asked no one in particular. "Or, better question, what could be used to hid the message?"

"Maybe she made it so the message will reveal itself if you say a certain phrase or word, like that one Harry Potter books," Seliel told them, sort of joking.

"Or, maybe she wrote in some sort of invisible ink," Nya suggested and ran out of the room. She returned a few minutes later with a pen. The others looked at her like she was crazy for getting a pen.

"Nya, what did you get a pen for?" Cole asked her. "I don't think writing on the paper will make it write back what it says. This isn't really Harry Potter."

"Wait, is that one of those pens that write in invisible ink and have a small black light on the back of them?" Seliel asked Nya, giving her a smile.

"Yeah, I've had this since I was a kid when Kai won it for me at a fair," Nya told them as she turned on the end of the pen. She shined it over the paper and the message appeared on it. Cole read it aloud.

Dear Jay

A place where loves lives,
Where young children thrive.
Family all live together there,
And that love there follows you anywhere.
Go there and you will find the answers you seek. Just remember C + L and you'll find the answers beneath.

Love, Mom

"Well, after hearing this, I can safely say your mom wasn't a very good rhymer," Cole told Jay after he finished reading what was on the note.

"I agree with you," Seliel said to him. "No offense Jay."

"None taken," Jay assured them. Even he had to admit that his mother needed to work on her rhyming skills.

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