Anonymous Warnings

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Yes! I've finally managed to finish this chapter after about two months of writers' block! Sorry for the long wait, but I just couldn't find the right way to go.

Plus, it showed me that you guys loved this story. I know that seems a little mean, but it means you guys actually like my story. 😊

I'll try and not make you guys wait that long for a chapter ever again. Enjoy the chapter and please comment. 😉

The Ninja soon arrived in Jamanakai Village. Once they got there and landed their dragons, Jay opened and read the next clue from his mother.

Dear Jay

If you listened to my instructions before you opened this letter, then you should be in Jamanakai Village, where your next clue is. I would have given you the location in the letter, but I couldn't think of a way to give you a clue that your next location was Jamanakai Village.

Your next clue is located under something, you just need to find the right sign. And don't be a baby if you can't figure it out right away.

Love, Mom

"Okay, does anyone know what she's talking about?" Seliel asked after the letter was read.

"I have no clue?" Cole admitted to her.

"Let me reread it," Nya said, taking the letter from Jay and started looking over it again.

Just then, Jay's phone started ringing. He looked at the caller id and didn't recognize it. He decided to answer it anyway.

"Hello, can I help you?" Jay asked when he answered the unknown number.

"This is your first and only warning. Stopping looking into Libby Gordon, or there will be consequences." An unfamiliar voice told him.

"What do you mean? Who is this?" Jay asked, not really expecting an answer from the caller.

"I am someone you don't want to mess with, Jason." The voice said again, then the strangers hung up before Jay could ask any more questions.

Jay stared at his phone for a minute, hoping that the stranger would call back, but he didn't have such luck. He then put his phone back into his pocket and walked back over to his friends.

"Who was it?" Nya asked, turning around to face her Yin.

"Oh, no one important," Jay said. "Just a prank call."

"Are you sure? You look a little shaken up buddy." Cole said, looking concerned for his best friend. Jay noticed that he was, in fact, shaking a little bit, so he quickly stopped.

"I promise, it was just some kids messing with me. Just a practical joke for them probably." Jay insisted.

"Okay, if you say so," Nya told him, still looking at him concerned. She knew he was lying, but didn't want to push him to tell her.

"So, did you guys figure out what the clue means?" Jay asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, Nya was actually right about to say it," Seliel informed him.

"Right, your mom told us exactly where to find the clue," Nya said, earning her confused looks from the other three, so she explained in more detail. "She said to look for the right sign, so the clue must be under an old sign."

"But aren't there a lot of signs in town?" Cole asked, looking at all the signs he could see, old and new. "How will we know which one is the right one?"

"That's where another thing Libby said comes in," Nya said, pointing to the letter. "She said don't be a baby, so that could mean that it's under some sort of baby sign."

"Wait, Jay, remember when we first met Lloyd here in Jamanakai Village?" Cole asked, a grin on his face.

"Hard to forget," Jay said, holding in a very large chuckle. "He threatens to release that Serpentine if people didn't give him candy, and he ended up getting vegetables thrown at him."

"Really?" Seliel asked, laughing once she heard this. "Your leader was that immature?"

"Well, that was before he took the tea that made him older, before that, he was a brat who played tricks on the guys," Nya said, causing them all to laugh just thinking about when Lloyd was younger. It took a minute before they all gathered themselves and started thinking about the sign.

"But what does Lloyd threatening to release the Serpentine have to do with a sign?" Jay asked, still grinning as he thought about how young Lloyd had been.

"Don't you remember what sign we hung him by his cape from?" Cole asked, then walked to a store and pointed to the sign. "It was called 'Tod Baby', as in a baby store."

"You hung Lloyd from a sign by his cape?" Seliel asked, giggling at the thought of it.

"Well, we weren't that mature either," Cole admitted, slightly blushing.

"So the next clue might be under the 'Tod Baby' sign," Nya said, getting them back on track, and rushing to the sign. She then starts digging up the dirt under the sign. "A little help here would be nice!"

The others joined her in digging up whatever was under the sign. After about five minutes, and two nickels and a quarter later, they found a small metal briefcase that wasn't locked, and looked barely big enough to hold anything really.

"What's inside?" Cole asked.

"Not sure, let's take a look," Jay said, opening the case. Inside was nothing but a folded piece of paper and a silver key.

"What does the paper say?" Nya asked, reaching for the paper to read, but when she unfolded it, it was completely blank.

"Well, that's helpful," Seliel said sarcastically, looking at the blank piece of paper in Nya's hands.

"Okay, so we have a blank paper and a key that unlocks who knows what," Nya said. "Anyone have any ideas on what to do next?"

"Maybe we should go back to the monastery to see if Wu can help us," Jay suggested. The others agreed, seeing nothing else to do, and headed back to the monastery.

"Hold on," Seliel said, causing the other three to stop in their tracks. Seliel ran off while yelling, "I'll be right back."

"What is she doing?" Jay asked the others.

"I have no clue," Nya told him. Then, a few minutes later, Seliel came back, with candy.

"All this talk about candy made me want some," Seliel said as she gave everyone a pick of candy. Cole got a sucker, Nya got a chocolate bar, Seliel got a bag of gummy bears, and Jay got cotton candy.

"Wow, thanks Sel," Cole said, licking his sucker like a happy little kid.

"I also got some for Kai, Zane, and Lloyd. I thought they might want some." Seliel told them, nodding to the bag she held. Then they all got ready to go home.

Jay was about to spark up his dragon when his phone jingled. He quickly checked it and saw someone had sent him a text message. It was from the same number from earlier.

"You have been warned!" It read.

Ohhhh! I hope this chapter was worth the wait. Hope y'all enjoyed it. 😁

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