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The store was quiet, with only the sound of a broken clock ticking repeatedly in the same spot. The wooden counters were covered in a thin layer of dust, and the glassed-in shelves were bare and blurry. It was impossible to tell what the abandoned store used to be, but it was clearly well taken care of. Not a single shelf was damaged - not a crack or splinter to be found. It would stay that way for years to come - the new owner would make sure of that.

The quietness in the store came to an end as the front door rattled. There was a faint click of the lock, and the door was pushed open. A small, silver bell above the entrance chimed. It was followed by a sharp whistle.

"Man, this place is gonna need some serious work."

The man who walked into the store looked severely out of place there. His neon green jacket and wild hairstyle did not match the cozy, homemade look and feel of the store. It didn't help that the newcomer had his phone in his hand. Gracefully, he started to walk around the store.

"I knew it was worn down, but dang..." He ran a finger along one of the countertops. It came up gray. He brushed it off as a goofy grin made its way onto his face. "I thought this was gonna be more of a challenge."

He spared a glance at his phone and tapped it a few times before bringing it to his ear. The tree frog on his phone case gleamed in the sunlight as he walked around the store.

"Hey, how much are you offering for this place again?" He walked towards the back, where a dark, oak door was located. The store keys jingled in his hands. As he slid the key into the lock, he almost dropped the phone. "Really? Only fifteen?" The lock clicked and he pushed the door open. "I thought a beauty like this would be at least thirty grand."

His mouth dropped when he saw the room. It was an entirely wooden office. Again, the guy looked way too modernized for such an old-fashioned place. He continued to walk around and admired the abandoned office as he was on the phone.

"Yeah, I'll buy it." He leaned against the desk with one hand, palm spread and picking up dust. "Just put me down as Correia dos Santos."

There was a pause. His foot started to tap in sync with the broken clock. "It's C-o-r-r... Y'know what? Just put me down as Lucio."

Another word wasn't spoken for a good two minutes, just a series of hums and noises of agreement. After a while, he finally said, "Thank you sir. See you Friday." He pulled the phone away from his ear and hung up. A sigh came out of hmm as he put his phone away. A smile appeared on his face as he looked around the office. "Sinta a Batida Music Shop is a go."

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