Chapter Two

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"Why am I not surprised..." Genji murmured, staring down at his phone. The track had been playing for a solid twenty seconds, yet the earbuds were dead silent. He had tried twisting and pulling them in every which direction, hoping fr at least a millisecond of sound, but to no avail. A frustrated groan came out of him as he pulled the headphones out of the audio jack and threw them in the trash can. 

He dropped his phone on the bed and fell back against it, staring at his star-covered ceiling. His new apartment wasn't anything fancy - in fact, it was rather small. The kitchen and living room were conjoined, and so was his bedroom and the bathroom. Nothing was extremely furnished yet except for his bedroom, and the living room wasn't very "lived" in. Granted, the place was still new, but it wasn't as homey as it ought to be. 

His phone buzzed and he picked it up lazily, squinting at the bright screen in the slowly darkening room. It was a message from his friend and former dorm roommate, Tekhartha. His name was hard for most people to pronounce, so they just called him Zenyatta or Zen. The text read as follows:

MillennialInSpirit: I've been informed you need new headphones. 

GenZ: Let me guess, Angie told you?

MillennialInSpirit: Perhaps.

GenZ: I'm taking that as a yes.

GenZ: She wants me to go to this fancy new Brazilian shop for a pair.

MillennialInSpirit: Ah! Sinata a Batida! A lovely young man owns it. He really knows what he's talking about.

GenZ: So I've heard...

MillennialInSpirit: If you need me to, I can drive you there.

GenZ: I don't know their hours :/

MillennialInSpirit: 9-5 weekdays, 8-12 Saturday, closed Sunday. I can take you tomorrow after class. 

He had almost forgot that they had a class together on the weekends. Begrudgingly, he typed "Ok" and shut his phone off. He spared a glance at his window, seeing that the sky had turned purple, and the lights in neighboring apartment complexes were flickering off one by one. With a sigh, he drew the curtains shut and slipped under his covers. "It better be good..."

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