Chapter Six

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It was five in the morning on a Saturday. The stars on the ceiling glowed a light green, and Genji couldn't help but stare at them. In his hand was his phone, pressed against his chest. He spared a glance at it, squinting as the harsh blue light hit his eyes.

He stared at a new message page, the recipient bar blank. The text blinker sat there flashing slowly, waiting for a phone number or contact name. His gaze travelled to his bedside table, where the business card was. A loud sigh escaped him as he reached over and grabbed it. "What the hell..."


Outside it was cold and dark, but Lucio's apartment was bright and full of warmth. He slipped on a green Jean jacket, decorated with patches and pin-up buttons. Lo-fi was playing softly from his phone, and he was faintly humming along with it.

The music grew quiet as the phone vibrated. The musician picked it up, not a care in the world. When he saw what the message said, his eyes widened and a grin on his face.

Unknown: Hey, it's Genji.

Before he could stop himself, Lucio was typing a reply.

Lucio: Hey, Sparrow! Wondered when you'd text me.

Minutes passed without a reply, and he was started to worry. "Did I scare him off?" He thought with a grown as he walked out of the apartment. The cold wind nipped at him as he started down the stairs. It was then that his phone buzzed.

Genji: Yeah, I was a little surprised that you gave me your number.
Genji: Like, your personal one.
Lucio: What's so wrong about that?
Lucio: Besides, I'd like yo get to know you more.

Another break in the conversation occurred, and another wave of nervousness came over the Brazilian. For someone so tech-savvy, he hated not knowing how the person receiving a text was feeling or responding. They could secretly hate your guts, but you'd never know that when it's hidden by a "lol smiley face." It was just so unnerving to him.

As he waited on the text to come in, he hailed a taxi and slid into the backseat, fidgeting with his phone.

"Where to?" he faintly heard the driver ask.

"Sinata a Batida," he answered. When the driver gave him a weird look, he just said, "The group shop on Strickland, please."

About halfway through the ride, he got a reply.

Genji: I'd like to get to know you too
Genji: But I'd rather do it face to face

Lucio smiled softly and let his fingers dance over the keyboard. Before he could hit send, another text came in.

Genji: Speaking of, you think we could do that today?

He blinked, surprised. Out the car window, colors seemed to swirl and blur together as they drove past. Humming with excitement, the musician held down backspace and typed a new reply.

Lucio: Hell yeah! I'll be at the shop til 12.
Genji: Sounds good, see you there

A giddy feeling rushed through him and he sighed, sinking into the seat. A small smile crept it's way onto his face. "Maybe giving him my number wasn't such a bad idea..."

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