Chapter Fourteen

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The spotlight fell on the other Shimada, a proud smile on his face. Lucio looked from Hanzo to Genji, surprised they were related. Hanzo looked serious and superior, his dark hair still looking professional despite the slight greasiness of it and how it tumbled past his shoulders.

Genji looked laid back, even in a dress shirt and dress pants. His green hair made people doubt his credibility, and his boyish features made it easy to mistake him for a teenager. The only similarity between them was their eyes - the same dark chocolate brown that showed everything they were feeling that the rest of their bodies couldn't. And right now, even from a whole floor away, Lucio could see what emotion was reflecting in both of them: fear.

The engaged couple started to descend in time with the music. It was a rock song he had heard before, but didn't entirely recognize. They both smiled and waved at the crowd, but the Brazilian could see the worry in their expression.

He glanced over at his friend, seeing a new emotion on his face - anger. Instinctively, the musician found himself squeezing Genji's arm in hopes of consoling him. The Asian turned towards him, mouth open to speak, but Lucio shook his head. He watched the other's gaze soften as they searched each other's faces. Finally, the Shimada looked away, placing a free hand on top of the entrepreneur's.

Jesse and Hanzo reached the bottom step and were swarmed by guests who gushed and congratulated them. Genji and Lucio hovered near the back of the crowd, waiting for things to settle down some. The Brazilian caught sight of the brothers locking eyes, a challenging spark flashing between them. A wave of unease came over him and he shuddered, hoping for the best.

The crowd slowly dispersed, leaving the fiances and Reyes talking as they walked up the stairs. Lucio and Genji exchanged a glance, a silent agreement passing between them.

"Don't go to hard on them," the musician murmured as they approached the stairs.

"Oh don't worry," the green -haired male mumbled in his friend's ear as they took them two at a time. "He'll get the memo." He moved his head away and raised his voice. "Wait a minute!"

The couple turned around, momentarily freezing as they saw who it was. They reluctantly slowed to a stop, letting the other pair catch up to them.

The programmer stopped in front of his brother, slightly out of breath. They stared at each other, expressions unreadable. The musician watched as Reyes slowly disappeared out of view, leaving them alone with their tensions.

The younger sibling spoke first. "Hanzo."

His brother stood up a bit straighter, his gaze cool. "Genji."

They stayed silent for a bit. McCree cleared his throat, weakly mumbling, "Surprise...?" The words died in his throat as they turned towards him, glares as sharp as daggers. When he fell silent, they locked eyes again.

"I was unaware you were getting married."

"And I was unaware you were dating someone."

Lucio felt the blood rush to his cheeks and his eyes growing wide. He and Genji started stammering at about the same time.

"It's not... We aren't..."

"It's not like that, we're just - y'know..."

A smirk appeared on the ravenet's face and he hummed sarcastically. "Sure..." His hand found Jesse's and they interlocked. "I'm assuming you stopped by to congratulate us?" His voice was cold, but the Brazilian could hear the way it wavered and could tell the other was nervous about something.

"Yes - well, no." When Hanzo raised an eyebrow, he went back to stumbling over his words. "I mean, yes, congrats, but -" A loud sigh escaped his throat as he ran a hand through his hair. "I just wish you would've told me."

The elder Shimada released his fiance's had and took a step forward. "Genji... Can we talk?" He spared a glance at Lucio, then added, "Alone?"

The entrepreneur's gaze travelled to the other, silently asking his permission. Before the younger Shimada could respond, he let go of his arm and backed up. The two stared at each other, eyes gleaming with curiosity, worry, and something more as the Shimada brothers disappeared up the stairs. The musician found himself giving the other a weak smile before tearing his gaze away, not wanting to see the hurt in his friend's eyes any longer. His eyes landed on McCree, who was drumming his fingers on the railing and chewing on his bottom lip. He moved to stand and front of the other, which made him look up. "Congrats on your marriage," he said with a half-hearted smile.

The brunet laughed drily, looking away quickly. "Thank ya."

"Now... Why in your right mind did you not tell your future brother-in-law about this marriage? And what did you think was gonna happen when he found out?" He leaned in some, dark eyes glittering dangerously. "'Cause I bet your ass dealin' with me wasn't on that list."

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