Chapter Twenty

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The waiting room was quiet and full of tension. A wall clock ticked oh-so-slowly, accompanied by distant beeps and phones ringing. In the middle of the waiting room, Genji faced back and forth, looking disheveled and exhausted. Around him were his and Lucia's friends and relatives, looking just as nervous.

The ambulance had came and gotten both of them not too long after he called. During the ride to the hospital, he didn't leave the Brazilian's side. Some point during the trip, he realized why his arms were bleeding: Small shards of glass were sticking out of it, and it was bleeding slightly. When they arrived, they were taken to two separate rooms to be evaluated.

Genji was quickly examined and deemed to have no serious injuries. They took the glass out and cleaned and bandaged his cuts (none of them were that deep, thankfully) and gave him an icepack for his slowly swelling black eye. They let him go after less than an hour, and the very first thing he asked when he reached the waiting room was "How's Lucio?"

The answer he received wasn't the greatest. "We don't know how bad his head injury is. We're doing MRIs and CT scans to make sure he doesn't have any brain damage from it. Right now it just looks like a concussion, but we just want to make sure."

After hearing this, Genji stayed in the waiting room. At some point he texted Angela and Zen about what happened, then his phone died. Twenty minutes after he sent those texts, the two showed up at the hospital.

"I was vondering vhat was taking you so long to get back," Angela murmured, taking one of his hands in both of hers. "I'm so sorry he got hurt."

"How long has he been out?" Zenyatta asked, a nervous tone in his voice. "Twelve hours?"

"No." Genji spoke quietly, as if he was somewhere else far away. "We crash around noon."

"Noon?" Disbelief was present in the blonde's voice. "Where we you last night, zhen? Surely you didn't pass out at zhe wedding shower."

"We didn't." He glanced down, feeling the blood rush to his face. "We stayed at a hotel for the night."

Before they could ask anymore questions, the hospital doors flung open. A short Korean girl stood there, panting and out of breath. "Where is he? Where's Lucio?"

The three stood there for a moment, unsure of what to say. Finally, Genji cleared his throat and took a step forward. "He's getting brain scans now. They think he has a concussion."

Her eyes widened at this and she stumbles inside. "Are you the famous Genji he talks about?"

He blinked, surprised by this. "Yes...?"

Her gaze softens as she looks up at the Shimada. "Well, I'm glad you're here. He'll be glad you're here, too." A soft, sorrowful expression crosses her face. "He's in love with you, you know that, right?"

The Asian felt strangely calm hearing this. Without thinking, he puts a hand on her shoulder. "When he comes to," he murmurs, "I'll tell him I love him, too."

She gives him a wobbly smile. "Hana Song. Lucio's best friend."

He returns the smile. "Genji Shimada. Lucio's... Boyfriend."

An hour and a borrowed charger later, Genji discovered his brother had texted him, his messages spaced out and full of worry.

Hanzno: Heard what happened. Is anyone hurt?
Hanzno: Genji?
Hanzno: Please answer.
Hanzno: I WILL drive all the way to that hospital, don't test me.
Genjye: Sorry, my phone died. I'm fine, we don't know about Lucio yet. They think he has a concussion.
Hanzno: You had me scared for a second. Do I need to come down there?
Genjye: No, plan your wedding. I'll keep you posted.

Fast forward to now. Genji had started pacing, and the other three looked nervous and tired. His gaze flicked to the ticking clock. Almost five hours had passed. He couldn't think straight anymore, his thoughts were clouded with worry.

A minute passed. Then two. His eyes were glued to it, watching the minute hand tick. He had decided once it had officially hit five hours, he'd ask the receptionist for an update.

"Hana Song?"

He froze and Hana's head jerked up. "How is he?" She asked, getting up from her seat. The Shimada spun on his heels, eagerly awaiting the news.

The doctor looked drained, but she was smiling. "Good news. He has a mild concussion, nothing more. He had to get stitches, but he should recover smoothly in a few weeks time. He'll need to be closely monitored, though."

The question came out before he could stop it. "Can we see him?"

She nodded slowly. "He's awake for now, but he might doze off soon. He needs rest, so don't disturb him if he does so."

Everyone was on their feet now and following the doctor to Lucio's room. Genji's heart was pounding and unease was coursing through his veins. He fought the urge to break into a run as the doctor led them on.

"Here he is," she sighed, stopping in front of a door labelled C112. "Enter quietly, you don't want to startle him."

She pushed the door open, and there Lucio's was, laying in a white hospital bed. He was hooked up to a few machines and had bandages around his arms and head. His eyes looked dull as he scanned the group, mouthing their names. A smile made its way onto his face when they landed on Genji. "Sparrow... Long time no see."

And then, for the second time in the past twenty-four hours, Genji bursted into tears.

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