Chapter Sixteen

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Jesse blinked in surprise, taken aback by Lucio's question. His gaze travelled back to the railing. "He didn't tell me you were feisty..."

"And you didn't tell him you were dating his brother." The Brazilian could feel his blood starting to boil and was struggling to keep his voice steady. "Answer the question. Why didn't you tell him?"

"Because Hanzo told me not to." He pushed himself off the railing, an exasperated look on his face. "He wanted to tell Genji 'imself, but things happened and he just... Never found the time."

The musician gave him a skeptical look as the other pressed on. "I tried to tell 'im I was with someone, but..."

The southerner let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through his once-neat hair. "I wanted to tell 'im, I did."

At this point, Lucio had started shaking his head, slowly and methodically. "You better hope they make up up there," he muttered, a threatening tone in his voice. "'Cause if they don't, I will come for you."

Instead of looking worried, McCree just smiled and chuckled softly. "Y'know who you remind me of?"

Lucio's arms crossed as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, ill expression still there. "Who?"

The brunet was still smiling. "Myself."

The response caught him off guard, so much so that his body relaxed. His head tilted in confusion. "How...?"

"When I first started fallin' for Hanzo," he spoke slowly. "I was just as protective of him as you're bein' to Genji."

Color rushed to his cheeks as it registered what the cowboy was hinting at. "It's not - Just because I - No one said -"

"Don't try t' fight it." Jesse was trying not to laugh. "Admit it: you're into 'im."

The Brazilian felt his stomach curl into itself at the thought, his chest feeling both light and heavy at the same time. His mind was whirling as he finally realized what was happening: he had developed a crush on Genji. He felt himself leaning against the railing, still processing it all.

"I... Like him," he whispered to himself as if he couldn't believe it. "Genji Shimada. I fell for Genji Shimada. How..."

A door upstairs clicked shut, causing Lucio to look up. The Shimada brothers came into view a few moments later, looking a lot calmer. He couldn't help but stare at Genji, who was laughing about something Hanzo has said. His heart fluttered at the sight and he sighed.

Beside him, Jesse leaned close to his ear and murmured, "Good luck."

He started to walk up the stairs, leaving the musician behind. He watched for a moment and chewed on his bottom lip, contemplating.


The southerner turned, an eyebrow raised.

A small smile grazed his lips. "Thank you. And congratulations on your marriage."

He smirked. "No problem. And, again, good luck."

With that, he went up the stairs to meet the other two.


A/N: I'm out of excuses, I'm just lazy and trying to gain SR. Overwatch is down for maintenance right now, so I decided to be productive. Summer turns you into a lazy human being :/

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