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Lucio was out of the hospital in a few days time. The doctors told the others to keep an eye on him and make sure his symptoms didn't get worse. The minute they walked out those hospital doors, Genji started to fret.

"Do you want me to help you in the car? I can drive if you'd like. Or are you hungry first? You must be. What about--"

"Genji." Lucio took his hand and gave it a small squeeze. "I'm fine. A bit of a headache, but I'm good." He looked up and gave him a weak smile. "You don't have to worry so much about me."

"Lu, you could have died!" He spoke forcefully, and when he saw the Brazilian wince he turned it down a bit. "Because of me asking you out, you could've died."

Lucio straightened up when hearing this. "It's not your fault. My eyes should've been on the road, not on my hot boyfriend."

A faint brush rose to his cheeks as they reached the car. Angela and Zen were in the front seats - they had let the couple lag behind and talk. "Boyfriend?"

A playful glimmer shone in the musician's eye. "You did ask me out, did you not?"

Words had failed Genji at this point, so instead, he cupped a hand behind the other's neck and let a kiss do the talking.

Thirty seconds of smooching later and a car horn being blown, they slipped into the backseat. The two were extremely giddy and talkative the ride home, much to Angela's annoyance. Once they were dropped off at Lucky's place, the Asian practically dragged him inside and immediately started playing caretaker.

"What can I get you? Nothing now? Alright, but don't hesitate to ask me if you want something."

Lucio rolled his eyes, wrapped up in a yellow blanket on the couch. "Well, what I want is for you to come cuddle with me." He held the blanket out as if it was a wing.

The Shimada smiled and shook his head as he joined the other on the couch, curling up under the blanket. They sat there for some time, enjoying each other's company. Suddenly, Genji's phone buzzed. A grin made its way onto his face as he checked it. "We've been invited to a wedding."

The Brazilian raised an eyebrow. "We?"

He nodded, showing him the phone. "We."

Lucio read it over, the smile on his face growing every second. He looked over at his boyfriend, his eyes sparkling. "Looks like we need to go clothes shopping."


The sound of a piano echoed through the garden and everyone stood up. Genji stood at the alter, as the best man. He spared a glance across from him and saw his brother-in-law, Jesse, looking nervous and excited. His gaze returned towards the aisle and he caught sight of Lucio. The two stared at each other for a moment, eyes full of adoration. They smiled at each other, a slow, heartfelt smile, and their gazes returned to the aisle. The whole seemed to hold their breath as Hanzo entered, his father at his side. The younger Shimada felt a cold dread wash over as he realized he hadn't yet told his father, but it quickly faded. "He accepted Hanzo, he'll accept me. Besides, it's not important right now. It's Hanzo's day."

He watched his brother make his way down the aisle, black hair down for once. The older brother looked up and smiled as he locked eyes with his fiance. McCree returned it, his eyes full of light.

As they said their vows, Genji started to realize just how fast time flies. His brother was getting married, his boyfriend was expanding his business, and he was almost on his last year of college. Life was going by so fast, it was hard not to get emotional.

"You may now kiss the groom." The green-haired male snapped back into focus in time to see the newlyweds kiss. He clapped and cheered with the rest of the guests, a tear or two slipping out. As the crowd started going to congratulate them and celebrate, Genji found himself wandering to the Brazilian's side and lacing their fingers together. They flashed each other a smile and made their way over to the other couple.

Hanzo gave them a small smile as they walked over, hand-in-hand. "You two are bound at the hip," he joked when they got there.

"Pretty familiar, don't ya think?" Jesse snickered, wrapping an arm around his husband's waist. The ravenet rolled his eyes at this.

Genji and Lucio exchanged a glance. "Wired, almost, you'd say?" Genji asked him playfully.

Lucia's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I guess you could call it that..." They both grinned.

"I guess you could..."


A/N: Finally! It's finished! It took over a year to finish it, and I'm sorry for that. I was just unmotivated and didn't want to type it all out. But nevermind that! It's up now! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Now, I must bid you adieu...

~ FB667

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