Chapter Eight

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"Well I'll be damned, Playboy Genji is goin' on a date. An actual date."

Genji rolled his eyes, lugging a heavy box to the other side of the room. "It's not a date, Jesse..." He set the box down with a few others, all labelled "Fragile."

Across the room, Jesse McCree was lifting another box, a skeptical look on his face. "Sounds like a date. You're actin' all shy an' giddy as if it is one."

"But it's not!" He eased the box out of the other's hands and went back to the others. "He clearly said he just wanted to hang out. Besides, he probably doesn't even like me like that." He put the box down and went back over to his coworker.

The gray walls of the warehouse contrasted greatly with Genji's bright green hair. It drew people's attention towards him, and towards his current conversation. Realizing he had eyes on him, he dropped his voice to a whisper. "Boss will kill me if he finds out I'm being distracted by romance. You remember what happened to Fareeha?"

Something flashed in the southerners eyes and he looked away. "You're tellin' me..." he murmured quietly. "Dad - I mean, boss isn't too thrilled with my fiance, either..."

The Asian blinked a few times, processing the information. "Wait, you're-"

The brunet quickly cut him off. "Did you say 'distracted by romance?'" A smirk made its way onto his lips. "Playboy Genji's in love?"

With a smile and roll of his eyes, the Shimada lifted another box. "Quiet, you."


Six o'clock rolled around and Genji was eager to get out of there, much to Jesse's amusement. As soon as he clocked out, he hailed a taxi and sped off towards the skating rink. On the way, he pulled out his phone and shot Lucio a text.

Genji: On the way. Just a warning, but I've NEVER been rolling skating before
Lucio: You're kidding.
Lucio: You've NEVER BEEN?
Genji: Nope
Lucio: Guess I'll have to teach you, then.

He read the words over and over, a nervous blush creeping up his neck. With shaky fingers he typed a reply.

Genji: Teach me?
Lucio: Yeah!
Lucio: I'm not a pro, but...

The Asian was quivering with excitement at the thought. He sent a quick "see you soon" and sunk back into the cab seat, a million questions running through his head. Before he knew it, the cab was pulling up in front of the skating rink.

With a quick thank-you and a twenty dollar bill, he got out of the car and hurried to the door. To his surprise, Lucio was waiting for him, glowing in the neon lights. He was tapping at his phone and spared a glance up. When he saw Genji, his face lit up. Without hesitating, he strolled up to the other.

"Was wonderin' when you'd show." He stood in front of the other, having to look up at him. "Thought you were scared of the rink for a moment."

The college student scoffed, leaning back on his heels. "Please, I don't scare easily."

There was a glimmer in the musician's eyes - a hint of curiosity and competitiveness. Without warning, he grabbed Genji's arm and started dragging him inside. "Well, what are you waiting? C'mon!"

His face was burning up now, and he was acutely aware of Lucio's grip on him. He held his arm gently, and every now and then it would twitch and grow warm. While his arm was being held lightly, it felt like his heart was being squeezed and struggling to beat. He was thankful for the darkness in the room hiding his red face.

Over the music, they barely managed to tell one of the employees their shoes sizes. When the skate arrived, the Brazilian let go of his arm. He tried to shake the ache in his chest as he put the skates on, messily tying the laces.

When he finished getting then on, Lucio was already in his own, standing off to the side. With a small smile, he tried to stand. The skates wobbled underneath him and he found himself clinging to the wall for support. A little ways away, he heard the other stifling a laugh.

"Not so graceful now, are ya, Sparrow?" The musician held a hand out to Genji, still steady on his feet. Cautiously, he took it and tried to roll forwards. He wobbled, but managed to stay upright. He locked eyes with the other and gave him a weak smile. The other returned it and they made their way to the rink.

The floor seemed to gleam, with neon lights bouncing off of them and the walls. It was hard to make anything out in the chaos, but Genji wasn't worried. He felt Lucio's hand in his and knew he'd be alright.

They made it to the center of the rink, the ground feeling unstable and dangerous underfoot. The Asian found himself clinging to the other, clutching both hands tightly. He looked up just in time to catch the Brazilian laughing softly. His heart fluttered in his chest.

"You're fine, I got you." He spoke softly, rubbing his thumb over the back of the college student's hand. Slowly, he started skating backwards, pulling Genji forward. "Let's start slow..."

They moved in slow, careful circles around the track, Lucio guiding his every move. The green-haired male felt his heart skip a beat whenever he caught the other's sparkling eyes and encouraging smile.

"You're very patient," he remarked as they gliding around the rink for the hundredth time.

He shrugged, his smile not fading. "I'm patient with a lot of things. It's a good trait to have."

Eventually, the Shimada managed to let one hand go. When that happened, the musician moved to Genji's side, skating forward now. "There you go, Sparrow! You catch on fast."

He laughed shakily, almost stumbling. He slowly started getting better at it, but still held onto the other male's hand. To his relief, he didn't seem bothered by this. He decided to steal a glance over at him. He watched how the neon lights bounced off his skin, and how others disappeared into his clothing. As he stared, one of his wheels hit another. Before he knew it, they were tumbling yo the floor.

He heard Lucio make a noise of surprise as they crashed down. Genji landed first, a rush of pain travelling through his tailbone. The other landed on top of him, shoving him to the floor. He glanced up, feeling the blood rush to his face as he realized how close their faces were.

Suddenly, the Brazilian bursted into laughter, wrapping his arms around the college Junior's neck. Surprised, he let a smile graze his lips and wrapped his arms around the other's waist, a light chuckling coming from him.

"This is nice..." The musician purred, not moving from the Shimada's lap. The two locked eyes, and Genji felt a brush creeping onto his face. For a brief moment, he thought he saw Lucio lean in...

... And then the music stopped. Bright, fluorescent lights blinked on above the track and they were blinded. The Asian blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision. Over the intercoms, he heard an exhausted voice murmur, "Closing in five, please exit the rink. Closing in five, please exit the rink..."

He felt Lucio climb off of him as his vision started to clear. Looking up, he saw the store owner dusting himself off, seeming lost in thought - confused, almost. Just ad quickly as the emotion appeared on his face, it was replaced with a grin. "That was fun."

"Yeah, he answered breathlessly, pulling himself onto his feet. He watched for a moment as the other skated out of the rink, smooth and gracefully. Feeling his chest tighten with longing, he followed him out. 

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