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Harry's POV
I was six when I realised what was happening to me. By then it was too late.

What? You may ask. Well, I, Harry James Potter am deaf. I wasn't born like that, but developed it gradually over five years of constant abuse. Verbal and not.

I didn't know at first why everything was suddenly becoming quieter and quieter. By the time I did, it was too late. I couldn't hear a thing. I was completely deaf.

It was only my 6th birthday when I found out. I panicked so badly.

I even told my aunt that I couldn't hear. She must've said something back, I just don't know what. So, I taught myself how to lip read.

By the time I was seven, I could tell everything people said just from looking at their lips. I didn't learn sign language as not everyone can use it and I wanted to be able to act normal. I could even control how loud I speak, preferring to stay at a quiet, barely above a whisper volume.

When I turned eleven, everything changed.

But you already know most of what happened up to the robe shop...

*A/N* hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this short intro. I know it probably isn't the best but it is 23:58 in England right now. I should be sleeping but instead, I decided to do this. I really hope you enjoy this book and read on to the end!

For now, bbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Deaf-A Harry Potter storyWhere stories live. Discover now