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(Picture above is what baby Logan looks like ^~^ )

Emile Picani had just finished tucking in his little orphan kiddos when a sudden knock from downstairs catches his attention. He glanced at the clock near the door, seeing it read 10:47.

He hummed in confusion but quietly exited the children's room, slowly making his way to the front doors of the orphanage.

Turning the knob, he opens the door and looks out into the quiet night of the village, seeing no one in sight.

Well, until he looked down and found a baby peacefully sleeping in a fairly average-sized basket. Judging by how they were able to fit in such a small carrier, Emile guessed the child was no more than a few weeks old.

"Oh dear, who would have the heart to leave you here all alone in this chilly weather?" The orphanage owner says, bending down to pick up the child.

It was winter time, and even he himself couldn't stand being out in the cold for so long. He wondered how the little human seemed unfazed by the freezing cold of this wintry night.

As he brought the baby into his arms, a single piece of paper falls out from the blue blanket bundling the little infant. He quickly snatches it up before bringing the baby inside and up to his room, leaving the basket on the floor by his bed.

He sat himself down in front of the fireplace and let the warmth surround the young child, smiling softly when the baby stirs awake and gazes at him with bright, blue eyes.

"Aww, hello there, buddy." Emile coos, emitting a soft gurgle from the child. He readjusted the glasses on his face before reading the content of the note he had found.

"Name: Logan
Age: 3 and a half weeks old
Gender: Male

Please take care of my child.

Due to the lack of financial income and a proper living environment, I have decided to leave my little Logan within your care. I know you are more than capable of giving him the life he deserves, just please, be cautious of his... abilities.

Thank you.

~ Elizabeth F."

Emile frowned in confusion at the last bit.

Abilities? What does she mean-

His trail of thought is suddenly interrupted by a cool breeze blowing past him and a thin sheet of ice beginning to cover his bedroom's window.

He looked down at the infant in his arms with wide but wonder-filled eyes. The baby, Logan, giggled at him but stopped when his face scrunched up and he let out the cutest little sneeze Emile has ever heard, a single snowflake appearing right before his eyes.

By that, the orphanage owner now understood what Logan's mother meant from her note.

Logan possessed magic.

And he must be protected.

Both from the world, and himself.

Thaw Shall Warm This Frozen Heart {Logicality}Where stories live. Discover now