Chapter 1

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-2 years later-

Emile rushes around the orphanage looking like an absolute mad man as he tries chasing after the two orphans who think they're playing a game of tag with him while, at the same time, reprimanding the other two.

"Kai, honey! Get down from there! You might hurt yourself!"

"Elliott, please put away your toys before someone accidentally steps on them!"

"Corbin! Sloane! You two are really giving me the work out I so desperately need but please, for the love of all things sweet and pure, stop runni- oH DEAR!"

Emile braces himself for impact as he loses his footing and slides across a wet puddle of, what seems to be, orange juice.

"Hey Emmy, do you have a sec- OH SHOOT HOLD ON!"

Instead of hitting the wall, Emile crashes into a pile of pillows that were, thankfully, conjured up just in time to save him from most likely a bruised elbow and a concussion.

"You alright, Em?" The voice of his savior asks, holding out a hand to help pull him up from the mass of soft pillows.

A relieved sigh escapes the orphanage owner as he nods and accepts the hand, heaving himself up and dusting off his clothes before finally facing the man in front of him.

"Thanks for the save, Thomas." A grateful smile etches upon Emile's face at seeing his mage friend, "The kids are beginning to be a handful these days, I tell ya."

"O-oh, is that so?" Thomas stutters out and awkwardly looks down at the bundle in his arms. Emile follows his gaze and gasps at the sight.

"Now who do we have here?"

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"Now who do we have here?"

Thomas let's out a sigh and smiles weakly before answering, "This is Patton. My son, Roman, found him by our house, hidden in the bushes." He explains, "Enrique and I would have loved to take him in but... There are certain rules us mages must obey. One of those being we are prohibited to house a non-magic user."

Emile nods in understanding, "How are you and the family, by the way?"

"We're doing great, actually. Enrique and I are still very much in love, and Roman is-"

"Papaaaaaa!!!" Thomas cringes at his son's loud screeching.

"Roman Nicholas Sanders! What have I told you about screaming in public places?"

"T-to not scweam in pubwic pwaces." The mage's one year old mutters as he toddles over to his father.

Emile chuckles lightly and casts his gaze over to where Roman had screamed, finding a shy Logan peaking out from behind the stairs' banister, looking unsure of what to do.

"Oh! Hey, Lo-Lo! Come over here and say hello to your uncle Thomas and his son, Roman."

Logan stares at the two strangers timidly but does as told, slowly walking over to Emile and standing just behind the adult's leg.

"Hello, uncle Thomas... Roman." The two year old greets with a small wave.

Realization sets upon Thomas' face as he recalls Emile mentioning an orphan with abilities from the last time they talked.

"So you're little Logan, hmm? Nice to meet you, bud." Thomas waves a hand towards Logan, emitting a few sparkles from the base of his palm which emits a gasp from the two year old.

"You have magic, too?" The boy says with his mouth gaping in awe, never having encountered anyone else who possessed magical abilities as he.

"Ooh! Ooh! Can I, Papa? Pweaseeee?" Roman turns to his father and begs with his big, doe green eyes.

A sigh escapes the older mage but he nods towards his son, granting him permission to use his magic.

"YES!" The young boy exclaims as he shoots Logan an excited smile before throwing his hands up towards the ceiling, a variety of flowers appearing in mid air accompanied with a red, glittery glow.

"Whoa..." Little Logan stares in awe at the pretty display of Roman's magic.

"Ooohhh!" Another voice speaks up, but it was smaller and clearly did not belong to anyone in the room except-

"Oh hey, Pattycake." Thomas coos at the infant still cradled in his arms, the baby showing much interest towards the bright colors of Roman's magic demonstration.

"Is that a baby?" Logan asks, craning his neck upwards to get a view of the bundle in Thomas' arms. The mage notices the boy's curiosity and bends down so the child could get a better look.

"Ooh, that's Patty! I fwound him in bushes!" Roman pipes up, walking over to stand beside Logan to gaze at the baby in his Papa's arms.

"His name's actually Patton, but we like using nicknames for him like Patty or Pattycake." Thomas adds to his son's explanation.

Little Logan hums in contemplation before bringing one of his hands up, allowing a single snowflake to appear on the palm of his small hand. The act emits an overjoyed giggle from Patton as he stares at the snowflake, then to Logan in such wonder.

"Looks like these two already like each other, Emmy." Thomas softly says, not wanting to disrupt the precious moment being shared between Logan and Patton.

"It seems so..." Emile replies, but looks to be deep in thought.

"What do you say? You alright with taking in one more kiddo? I'll gladly provide you certain baby necessities if it'll help-"

"Thomas, you are really persuasive, you know that?"

A gasp leaves the mage's mouth as a grin creeps up on his face, "So, is that a yes?"

Emile gestures to Logan and Patton still bonding, "I can't separate these two now, can I?"

"Thank you so much, Em! I promise to come by more often to help-"

"Uh... Papa?" Roman's voice cuts off his father's rambling.

The smiles that were once plastered on the adults faces immediately disappear the second they see the mess that is Roman, covered in white feathers that were most likely from the pile of pillows still littered against the wall.

"Hehe... Oopsie?"

Thomas all but smiles at him tiredly as Emile lightly laughs and places a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"He's quite the handful, hmm?"

"Oh you don't know the half of it."

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