Chapter 8

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Virgil and Patton jump at the sudden explosion that came from outside the cave.

"What was that?" The young shapeshifter whispers in fear, his heartbeat quickening as the seconds go by.

"I'm not sure-"

A wolf howl echoes through out the cave, causing Patton to stiffen, while Virgil's breath hitches at the familiarity of the howl.

The sound of running clawed paws reaches their ears, and it was getting closer and closer until...

"Demetri...?" Virgil says in disbelief as the tall, black wolf that had stopped in front of him and Patton transforms into his brother.

"Virgil!" Said brother tackles the young shapeshifter in a hug, "Oh my god, you're okay! I thought I'd lost you, Vee!" He sobs in relief.

Virgil immediately wraps his arms around his brother and burrows his head in Demetri's shoulder, "I'm sorry..."

The older man shakes his head and places a hand on his younger brother's cheek, "You have nothing to be sorry for, pup. I'm just glad you're alright."

Virgil tearfully smiles up at his brother, "I love you, Dee."

"I love you, Vee."

Patton had been quietly watching the two siblings from where he was, a sad smile on his face when he realizes no one had come for him.

Or so he thought.

Not a second later, rushed footsteps rung throughout the cave.

And then appeared Roman, Logan, and another man Patton didn't quite know.


The nineteen year old bursts into tears.

"Oh, Patty! Thank goodness we found you!" Roman tackles his friend in a hug.

Beside him, Logan clears his throat.

"Right. He's all yours, Lo." The young mage smirks as he gives his two friends space.

At the sight of his long-time best friend and crush, Patton has to force himself not to get too excited or he might just end up embarrassing himself.



"I-... I love you."

Well, that was definitely not what Patton was expecting.

Logan blushes as he tries to compose himself, "I have for quite some time now. And I feel terrible that it took you getting kidnapped just for me to finally muster up the courage to confess my feelings for you."

"Oh, Lo-Lo... I thought you hated me." The younger man admits with a saddened look in his eyes.

Logan is quick to interject, "No, no! Gosh, I never hated you, Patton. The only reason I distanced myself from you is because I couldn't let you find out about my powers!"

Patton's eyes widen in shock, but also in understanding.

Guess that answers one of the few questions he has on his mind.

"You love me?" The younger man asks with wonder-filled eyes.

"I do, Patty. I really do."

And for the first time in forever, Logan breaks into a smile.

While everyone else was having their reunions and confessions, Remy got to work on getting rid of the restraints.

"Need any help, Mr. Starr?" Roman asks as he approaches the sassy, older man.

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