Chapter 6

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Patton leaned his head against the cave's rough surfaced wall, eyes closed and mind swirling with a bunch of questions he might not even get the answers to.

What does he do now?

Wait for his impending doom?

Attempt to escape?

He doesn't know what to do...

If-... If Logan were with him. The intelligent twenty-one year old would have thought of a plan by now and he and Patton would've been out of the situation in no time.

But sadly enough, he wasn't.

Patton wondered if Logan was coming to his rescue. Would he care enough to do that? Risk his life for someone who he barely even talks to? Roman always reminded him that the older boy does care, but Patton is struggling to believe it.

They were so close back then, what changed?

His memories may be a bit messed up, but he knows that Logan was always there for him. The smiles, the laughs, the cuddles... Those were all real. He's sure of it.

Whatever happened that made Logan drift away from him, he hoped it was for a good cause.

What was it that Roman said?

"To protect you"

He had a feeling he wasn't supposed to hear that, but he did anyway.

To protect me? From what? Patton questioned to himself.

His trail of thought was then suddenly interrupted by a groan that came from beside him.

Oh yeah, the boy.

He turned his head to look at him, seeing him whimper when his eyes caught on to the sight of shackles on both his wrists and ankles.

"W-what? Why am I– " A horrified gasp escapes the boy at realizing something, "Oh no... No no no no no oh my god I shouldn't have run off oh fuck–"

"Hey, take a deep breath, pal." Patton cuts him off, tentatively reaching a hand out so he could somehow comfort the panicking boy next to him.

"W-who are you?!" The anxious teen stared at Patton in frantic confusion, "I– ... I can't be here! I need to get back to my brother!"

"You need to calm down first, buddy. Come on, breath with me, in for four... Hold for seven... Out for eight... That's it, keep going." Patton needed to thank Elliott for teaching him that breathing technique, "My name's Patton, by the way. Would it be alright if I knew yours?"

"I– um... I'm Virgil."


"Thomas?" Joan calls out, weaving through the crowded area of the safe house in search of their friend. They needed to talk with him about doubling the safety barrier due to the increase of refugees they were taking in.

There were at least a hundred magic-users in the facility if Joan were to guess, all ranging from mages, witches, and wizards, to faes, shapeshifters, and elementals. A few of them having lost friends and/or family to the cruel hands of the government.

The non-binary mage had to hand it to both Thomas and Enrique for doing everything they can to save the remaining of their kind. If it weren't for them, they'd all be goners.

Looking around once more, Joan spots Enrique by the entrance, looking to be monitoring the safety barrier with his magic.

"Yo, Ricky!"

The other mage snaps his head towards the direction of Joan's voice with alertness, but once seeing their calm demeanor, he visibly relaxes and gestures them over.

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