Chapter 4

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Warning(s): swearing & death mention.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Logan screams as tears rolled down his face, a clear memory of what he and Roman talked about a few minutes ago replaying itself in his head.


"Logan, we're not safe anymore! Not only will society try and get rid of us, but the smoke-being that attacked my Papa and Patton is somewhere out there mercilessly killing our kind!"

"Then what do you propose we do, Roman?"

A look of determination crosses the mage's face, "If we can't fight them off, then the best course of action we can take is to go into hiding." Roman proclaims. "We can take refuge in my parents' safe house."

"But-... But what about P-Patton and Mr. Picani? We can't just leave them." Logan's eyes fill with sorrow at the thought of leaving behind his friend and guardian.

"They'll only be in danger if we stay here. It's only till we're safe, okay? From both society and that smoke-creature."

The twenty-one year old hesitated, but knew his friend had a point, so he reluctantly agreed.


"Okay, good. I'll come by to get you tomorrow. We can just say my parents offered you a job in their business so Patton doesn't get suspicious."

Logan could only nod sadly, "I hate lying to him, I really do. But if it's to keep him safe, then so be it."


A million thoughts raced through Logan's mind as he panicked, unsure of what to say, do, or think.

"Lo? Ngh, what's wrong, kiddo?" Emile speaks up as he regains consciousness, seeming to have forgotten what had went down not even a few minutes ago.

"He-... I-... Shit. He's gone. It took him. He's GONE!"

"Who's gone, Logan?!" Roman cries out impatiently, also seeming to have forgotten what had happened.

"PATTON. Whoever and whatever that being was TOOK PATTON and I-..." The older teen's knees buckle under him as his emotions took over, "I feel so guilty for shutting him out all those years!" He sobs.

At hearing the words that left Logan's mouth, realization suddenly dawns upon both mage and therapist.

"Oh, my poor boy!" Emile places a hand over his mouth to suppress a gasp, but wasn't able to stop the tears that were streaming down his face.

Roman cursed under his breath, angered at himself for not being able to stop the smoke-being from taking away his friend.

"We can get him back, Specs." The mage says, kneeling next to his sobbing friend, "Patton needs us."

A beat of silence passed before Logan looks up at Roman with determination, "...Then we must not waste any more time. I need to get to him and apologize... Before it's too late."

Roman nods sadly, "Come on, we have to get to my parents. They'll most likely know where that monster is."


"Absolutely not, Roman."

"But Father! It took Patton!" Roman argues, but his Father wasn't having it.

"Roman, it's too dangerous!"

Thomas sighs and interjects, "I'll go with him."

Enrique turns his head towards his husband, looking at him as if he was crazy, "Thomas, no."

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