Chapter 12

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After being dismissed from Enrique's office, Remy grumbles under his breath as the pain in his head worsens.

"Mr. Starr, you're coming with me to the clinic." Elizabeth informs the sunglasses wearing mage with a stern look.

"Ugh, whatever. Just call me Remy, though."

"Sure, Remy."

The woman then turns to Logan with a gentle smile, "As much as I'd love to get to know you better, I believe you'll need some time to process everything first. I will not force you or push you to accept me as your mother, for I am merely a stranger to you. But I do hope that you will allow me to be part of your life."

Logan nods understandingly and smiles back, "Thank you, mother."

Elizabeth turns back to Remy and steals a quick glance towards the young shapeshifter.

"Virgil? Would you like to check on your brother?"

The younger nods eagerly.

"Alright, let's go."

Logan and Patton watch the three leave.

"So... You're a wizard?" The twenty-one year old suddenly brings up with a sly smirk.

Patton rolls his eyes at his best friend- boyfriend? fondly, "And you have ice powers?"

"That I do." Logan chuckles before lacing his and Patton's fingers together, "Would you like a tour of the safe house? I've been here enough times to know my way around this place."

Patton giggles and leans his head against Logan's shoulder as they begin walking through the halls, hand in hand.

"I thought you'd never ask, Logie."


Roman wasn't sure what he was feeling anymore...

Was he nervous? Yes.

Excited? Yes.

Scared? Oh, most definitely.



What if his brother didn't like him?

What if... What if he didn't like his brother?

"Roman, if you're not trying to burn down my desk with that glare of yours, I suggest you relax and come over here." Enrique chuckles as he motions for his son to sit next to him.

The young Sanders son blushes, then hurriedly shuffles towards his father, who places a pointer finger on a specific page of the book he was reading.

"I've performed this spell before, but in order to do so, a soulless body is required for the trapped soul to transfer into."

"Oh..." Roman trails off, scanning the page's contents and taking in the information it contained.

"Where are we going to find a soulless body?" He suddenly asks.

"Well..." Enrique starts, "If you're okay with it, I can cast a duplication spell on your body."

Roman casts his gaze down to the necklace.

The necklace that contained the soul of his long lost brother.

"He's your twin, anyway. So having the same face wouldn't be weird."

With a curt nod, Roman agrees and allows his father to perform the spell.

Enrique instructs for him to stand in the middle of the room before muttering something under his breath.

The younger mage jumps when a magnetic light shoots out from his father's hands and covers his whole body.

"Just relax and stay still, son."

Doing as told, Roman breathes in and out slowly as he feels a sort of pulling sensation around him. After a minute or so, his father places his hands down and smiles.

Turning his head to the side, the younger mage's eyes widen in awe.

There, standing with their eyes closed, is an exact replica of his own body.

"Hold out the necklace, Roman."

Enrique silently prays for the best as he mutters another spell, where this time, he had his eyes glowing a dark green. He lifts both his hands out, one aimed at the soul stone while the other on the replicated body of his son. He takes a deep a breath, then closes his eyes as he channel's the stone's aura, it beginning to transfer into the duplicate body.

While that was happening, Roman notices a small change in his second body.

Where instead of having the red hair he has, it now had dark brown hair like his father's.

The soul transfering ended when Enrique heaved in a gasp as he pulls his hands back.

"Father! Are you okay?!" The younger mage asks his father in concern.

"Y-yeah... just... a little overwhelmed, is all." Enrique says in between breaths of air.

"Okay... did-... did it work?"

A tense silence falls upon the father and son as they stare at the now breathing duplicate body of Roman.

The silence is then cut short when the body's eyes shoot open, revealing bright hazel eyes that are now looking around in panic.

"W-what? Where-? How am I-?" The replica stutters out, shakily inspecting himself and almost doubling over and hitting floor, if not for Roman catching him before he could.

"Remus...?" The young mage whispers in disbelief.

"Is that-... is that my name?"

Enrique smiles tearfully as he approaches Roman and his brother.

"Yes it is, son."

Remus jerks his head up to look at Enrique, then to Roman, then back to Enrique.

"Father?" The brown haired teen breathes out, his vision beginning to blur as tears welled up in his eyes.


After 20 years of being trapped in that stone.

He's free.

Remus' lip trembles as he returns his gaze on Roman, "Brother?"

Roman nods in confirmation, wiping at the tears that were now trailing down his face.

"How did you know?"

"I-... I just do. Can't you feel the connection?"

Now that Remus mentions it, Roman does feel a sort of connection between them.

A connection that signifies a bond.

A bond that signifies that they are united.

"I do feel it..." The red haired mage turns to his father questioningly, "Is this a side effect from the duplication spell?"

Enrique chuckles and shakes his head.

"You're brothers. Twins, in fact. It would make sense that you both feel a connection towards one another."

A smile creeps upon Roman and Remus' faces as they faced each other.

"You are your own persons individually, but also the outcome of one cause..."

Roman already knew the answer, but he couldn't help but ask anyway.

"And what would that be, father?"

Enrique sighs fondly.

"Your Papa and I's love."

A/N: yeah kinda short, but the next one will be longer for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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