Chapter 1

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"Mamma, mamma. You has to gets up" I heard a little voice say. I rolled over and saw my four year old son sitting on top of me. This little boy was my life. He was all that I had, and I loved him with everything I had in me even if his father was a dick. My little boy was the spitting image of me, he had auburn colored hair and crystal blue eyes.

"What's the matter Mav?" I asked. I called him 'Mav' because it was short for Maverick.

"I gots to eats my Cheerios and gets dressed" He said in a tiny voice. He wasn't very good at speaking, but we were working on it together.

"Okay baby" I said as I got up and stretched. I had a long night at work, and now all of my muscles were sore. I wasn't very proud of my job, I mean, I was a stripper, but at least it paid the bills. I never got the chance to go to college because my asshole of an ex got me pregnant when I was nineteen and then he left when he found out about Maverick. Not to mention that Reece cheated on me countless times, yet I always forgave him. I guess I didn't like the idea of being alone, but look at me now. The only good thing that came out of Reece was Maverick.

I went into the kitchen with Maverick and poured some Cheerios into his favorite bowl that had Lightning McQueen from the movie Cars on it. After he finished eating, I brought him into his room and helped him get dressed.

As I was helping him put his arms into the holes in his shirt, he slapped me hand away and said "No mamma. I gots to do it by myself"

"Okay Mav. Mamma is going to go get dressed now and then we can go to school" I said walking into my room. I put on some skinny jeans and knit sweater because it was beginning to get cold. Once I was done, I found Maverick sitting on the living room floor playing with his cars. He was making them crash into each other and he was even making the sound effects.

"Okay Mav, let's put on our shoes and coat" I said pulling him out of his game. We began our walk to Mavericks preschool. We have a car but it is easier to walk when it is close enough because then I don't have to worry about paying for gas. After I dropped Maverick off at preschool, I began my walk home, sometimes I waitress at my older sister's diner, but I didn't have to work today. I planned to clean the house a bit and then rest until I had to go to work at the club at eight. My sister Tori wold come over and stay with Maverick until I got home from work which ended at almost one in the morning. I worked for me because I didn't have to pay her, and Maverick loved his aunt Tori.

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That night as I walked home, I got the strange feeling that I was being watched. I turned around to look behind me and I saw a huge black and white fur and glowing emerald eyes just sitting there staring at me. I began to walk faster back to my apartment. Once safely inside, I locked the door and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Wolves are not supposed to be that big or have glowing eyes. That was not only scary but in must be my imagination! I must have fell asleep with the TV on again that's causing my mind to play tricks on me.


That night, it was hard for me to fall asleep, and when I finally did, I dreamt about the black and white wolf from earlier. It was chasing me and growling. In a split second, it shifted into a naked man, but I never got to see his face beacuse I was woken up by my alarm clock.



First chapter of new book.Yay. I am co writing with 20samantha101, who is like my bestie <3. Anyways, hope you guys like it.


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