Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

 Tori's POV (Wanna find out what happened between Tori and Scott?)

        Standing on the beach in a hot pink bikini I checked my phone. Scarlett, Aiden and Maverick were supposed to be here any minute. 

        "Hey," said a deep voice from behind me. I turned around to see him looking me up and down. Pervert. 

        "Wanna go for a swim?" he asked suggestively. This guy was seriously confident and it was pissing me off.

        "You have 3 seconds to leave,..3..2..," I started counting. Just as I was about to say 1,.. he kissed me. It was amazing but that didn't stop me from slapping him. Suddenly this guy seemed REALLY pissed off. 

        "What's up with you two?" Scarlett asked winking at me as they arrived at the beach carrying a million bags. NO, this was not Aiden's best friend. 

I blushed and looked down at the sand.

"Nothing" We both said quickly looking at each other.

After we set up our stuff and the boys left, I knew the dreaded question she was about to ask.

"So Tori", she began "What happened beween you and Scott earlier?"

"Ugh, can we not talk about him. He is a total jerk and I hate him" I responded angrily

"Alrighty then" Scarlett replied knowing I would end up getting over whatever happened for her.


Scott's POV

I was waiting on the beach for Aiden, his mate, her kid and his mate's sister when I saw this beautiful girl standing on the beach. She was wearing a hot pink bikini and was checking her phone. I decided to go and make a move on her. As I got closer, I felt something inside of me pulling me towards her. As I got closer, I was able to smell something really amazing. It smelled like vanilla and strawberries. I got closer to the girl and the smell was coming from her. 

"Hey" I said from behind her. The second she turned around I knew. MATE my wolf was sreaming at me. "Wanna go for a swim?" I asked my mate suggestively.

"You have three seconds to leave 3...2..." She began counting down. My wolf started getting mad. Why was our mate asking us to leave? She was human. Right before she got to one, I crashed my lips to hers. She pulled away and slapped me across the face. My wolf and I were both pissed. How do I get her to like me when I'm supposed to spend the day with Aiden? Just as we were about to say something, Scarlett and Aiden showed up.

"What's going on between you two?" Scarlett asked winking.

Great. This girl was Scarlett's sister. This was going to be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2015 ⏰

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