Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Scarlet's POV

I woke up in an empty bed, immediately jumping to conclusions. This can't be happening to me again. I ran into the kitchen to see Aiden making breakfast. Oh thank god!

"Um...babe,.." Aiden started, staring at me. What? I looked down and then back at Aiden. Aiden decided to put on pants when he woke up. Not ever wakes up and has amazing ideas pop into their head. Hey, this is the first time I've woken without clothes and unlike Aiden, I wasn't used to getting up and needing to put on pants. I immediately started to panic, Aiden must do this all the time! If Aiden was bored he would leave by now right? Aiden was still staring at me waiting for a response. I shrugged. Yes ladies and gentleman, my intelligent response was to act casual.

The rest of the morning went by peacefully. Around 12 my phone buzzed.

Tori: Can I drop off Maverick around 2?

Me: Ya, course. Thnxxxx :)

Tori: Ur lucky I'm only asking for details in person, don't want anything popping up while Maverick's playing Candy Crush on my phone ;)

* * *

The next few weeks were like a blur, Aiden was being adorable, Maverick was being adorable and we were always doing things all together. Maverick was playing on Aiden's phone in our bed now that Aiden had convinced us to stay with him. Now that Aiden and I shared a bed we picked up a few hobbies for our free time and Maverick hasn't questioned anything yet.

"Hey Maverick, where's Aiden?" I asked.

"He's gettin' ready," Maverick answered like a robot, completely involved with his game. I smiled sadly, this generation was obsessed with electronics, a few years ago we still had flip phones and kids weren't constantly asking to have their iPad mini.

My phone buzzed.

Tori: Think Aiden is ready for a night alone with Maverick? We need a girls night!!!

Me: Yassss, I'll ask Aiden!!! <3

As much as I would missed Maverick and Aiden, I NEEDED time with my sis. So much has happened with all these werewolves and I needed someone unsupernatural to talk to. I walked into the bathroom where Aiden was showering.

"Babeeee, join me," Aiden growled.

"Hmmm, maybe if you wanna watch Maverick tonight so I can go out with Tori,..." I suggested.

"Hell yes!" Aiden cheered, sounding excited to hang out with Maverick, "Scarlett, c'mon," I heard Aiden say but I was too lost in my thoughts to respond. Suddenly I was soaked and thrown over Aiden's shoulder being carried into the shower.

* * * * * *

After picking me up from Aiden's apartment Tori decided that we have to get dressed at her place because since apparently my closet isn't exciting enough.

"So Scar, fill me in with all the details!" Tori said, driving to her house.

"What I'm about to tell you is crazy, and I don't think it's sunk in yet but,.." I started but was cut off by Tori.

"Scarlet, get to the god damn point already," Tori joked.

"Reece is a werewolf and so is Aiden!" I spit out watching Tori's face as she pulled the car over, remaining silent allowing me to continue, "So this means that Maverick is half-werewolf and as his god- mother and aunt, you should know that he sort of turned into a furry puppy the a few weeks ago."

"Scarlet! This means that every supernatural book I spent reading as a teenager was true? You know, the ones you made fun of me for reading?!?" Tori screeched. I shrugged.

"I haven't asked about vampires," I replied. After a few minutes Tori started to drive again.

* * * *

Two hours later I was squeezed into a tiny black dress while Tori was in dark blue. Tori had convinced me to straighten my hair and add more makeup than usual. Tori shoved me out the door, locking it behind her and placing the key under her door mat. Tori lived only a few blocks from a nearby club so we didn't have to worry about driving and having a designated driver, we could just get wasted!

Walking down the stairs of her apartment building my eyes blurred and I tripped falling down the next two stairs.

"Scarlet!" Tori screamed. My vision blurred and when it was finally clear Tori helped me up.

"Sorry," I said looking over at her concerned face.

"Don't apologise!" Tori scolded, "We don't have to go if your not feeling good,..."

"No no no, we're going, I'm fine. Plus we haven't had a girls night in forever!" I rushed. Tori eyed me skeptically as I started walking again and I heard her footsteps behind me before I was even a block away from the apartment building.

As soon as I stepped into the club I started to feel sick again. "What are you in the mood for?" Tori yelled over the music. Before I could answer her I ran to the bathroom to be sick, with a following Tori. I felt like I owed her an explanation but didn't know what to say.

Tori grabbed my phone and opend Period Tracker, 11 days late. "Scarlet, I think your pregant." Tori stated, looking concered. I started hyperventilating.

"Tori!!! What do I do?" I screamed.

"Scarlet, you gotta tell him, it's gonna be alright. He loves you, and according to all the supernatural books this is supposed to happen to mates at some point. Let's go get a pregnancy test from CVS before you do anything to just be sure. Okay, honey?" Tori reasoned. I nodded, my stomach was still tight in fear Aiden would leave or be upset because of this.

Author's Note: Sorry for the wait! What do you guys think?

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