Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Scarlett's POV

        After getting ready for my date, I went to the mirror to check my outfit. I was wearing a white summer dress that came up to mid-thigh. I didn't have to much make-up but I think it gave me a bad-ass kind-of look. I was waiting for Tori to get here so I could go down and wait outside the building.

        "Mama, where you going?" Maverick asked me.

        "Out with my friends for dinner," I answered smiling.

        "Are they friends with Aunt Tori? She's should goes."

        "Aunt Tori wants to hang out with you tongiht," I said, waiting for his reaction.

        "Yeah!!! Can I stay up late," he asked loudly.

        "15 minutes," I warned, giving in easily.

        "I love you mama!" he shouted. Of course you do. Just then Tori let herself into the apartment and Maverick ran to hug her. 

        "Bye guys! Have fun, and not to late!" I said blowing kisses.

        "You too," Tori giggled suggestively. I blushed and closed the door behind me, checking my phone. 5:25. I walked through the lobby and Aiden was waiting outside on his car, leaning on it and smiling at me.

        "You look great in that dress," Aiden said making me blush, "but I think it will look better later off of you," he said, opening the door for me as I playfully slapped his arm to scold him.

        "Feisty much? Babe, save some of that energy for later, your gonna need it," Aiden flirted again, making me want to kiss him again. 

        "Later," I flirted, putting my hand on his knee.

        "Really?!?" he asked eagerly, like when Maverick asks for ice cream or a later bedtime. He pulled into the parking lot of an amazing Japanese restaurant. 

        "If you're lucky," I replied, getting out of the car, and I think he growled. Before I was able to take a step he was out of the car, around it and pressed against me pinning me to the door. 

        "I'm feeling lucky," he responded with his lips inches from mine. I brushed my lips against him, "they usually are." He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him, "they better not," he warned not letting go off my hand but leading me to the restaurant. 

        The restaurant was dark, which made it seem like it was later. We sat down and he twisted our ankles together under the table which was suprisingly comfortable. The waiter came over and was giving off the vibe he liked me but I wasn't sure what to say.

        "So,... are you ready to order?" asked the waiter, with his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off.

        "We're not ready yet," said Aiden, making the waiter flinch. For the rest of the night we had a different waiter,.. I wonder how that was arranged. 

        After we discussed what we were going to order, the new waiter came back and took our order.

        "We will have 1 california roll, 2 avocado rolls and 3 spicy tuna rolls, with two pieces of Ikora," Aiden ordered for us. Wow, sushi's expensive....

        "Ikora?!?" I asked. Not to mention the ton of sushi he just ordered for us, did he expect me to eat fish egg's????         

        "You'll love it." Aiden made me try one and I ended up liking it. We shared the sushi and was shocked and how much he ate. I was so full all I could do was sit and laugh, I was so not looking forward to having to go to work in a couple hours. Aiden wouldn't let me pay for the bill but I couldn't really afford it either. By the time we finished it was only 6:45.

     "I can drive you home or we can go to my place for a little while," Aiden said, looking at his watch. 

        "Your place," I grinned dragging him to the car.

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