Chapter 16

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       Scarlet's POV 

        After running out of food to throw, Maverick realized its not as much fun to throw food that was already on the ground.

        "I'm hungry," sighed Maverick looking down at the food on the floor. 

        "Want some whipped cream?" Aiden asked, handing Maverick the whipped cream off the floor. Before Maverick could reach for it I was dragging Maverick to get him cleaned up, glaring at both of them warningly. 

        "Or we could go out for breakfast..," Aiden continued hesititantly. Maverick nodded, mouthing 'help' as I rolled my eyes and agreed.


        On the way back from the diner Aiden suddenly stopped the car. 

        "Can we go to the water park?!?!" asked Aiden and Maverick at the same time, grinning. I was grinning to as I rolled my eyes, something I think I'm going to do a lot now that Maverick has a partner in crime.

        Wanting to take my mind off of seeing Reece, I didn't want to go home to get bathing suits since I didn't bring any to Aiden's. Like a mind reader Aiden handed me $50, "You deserve to do a little shopping," he said, pulling in front of the water park entrance near the shops. Seeing as I hadn't shopped in forever, I didn't need to be prescribed twice to get some retail therapy.

        "Keep your phone on you and we can meet up in a hour?" I asked, grabbing my purse and realizing that after I buy a bathing suit I would still need to bring my purse and clothes back to the car before meeting up with the boys. Aiden nodded and drove away to go park the car with Maverick jumping around in the back seat like he was on a sugar high. 


        After finding an adorable bikini and meeting up with the boys, I could tell by the devilish grins that Aiden and Maverick went straight for the ice cream although we had just finished breakfast. 

        "What ride should we go on first?" Aiden asked, looking at Maverick.

        "The pool!" shouted Maverick.

        "But you just had ice cream, you'll get a tummy ache from not waiting before going in the water," I scolded.

        "Mama's right, let's go on the roller coaster first!" said Maverick enthuastically as Aiden stared at Maverick with wide eyes. Maverick looked between the two of us, frowning at our weird expressions.

        "You had ice cream!" I fake cried dramatically picking Maverick up and swinging him around playfully. 

        "I'm sorry Mama, but we can go get more later so you can have some too!" Maverick said all smug. I pretended not to notice that would be the second time he would be eating ice cream today. 

        "Hmmm, maybe we should," I said, watching the excited look Maverick gave Aiden, who replied with a wink. Maverick grabbed Aiden's hand and started to pull, trying to get us to go to the next ride. Aiden decided to grab onto my hand and drag me too so that eventually we formed a line that continued to knock into people.

        As we approached the rides I silently hoped that it would always be like this. Spontaneous.    



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