Chapter Seven: Water Park

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Ella POV

I hate waking up before four on a Saturday. Usually in New York on Saturdays I wake up around four in the afternoon with a hangover and Chilli in my bed.

I look at the clock and saw it was 9:34. Everyone is still sleep, even Muffin (Ella Dog.)

I pick up my phone and scrolled down to the S. Then I saw him contact. Sexy Bad Ass. His words not mine.


"Can I come over today?" I ask.


"Because I'm bored and have nothing to do."

"Yea, you can come over."

I hanged up and jump in the shower.


"Do you always answer the door shirtless?" I ask and walked in and sat on the couch.

"You see, I knew it was you. So I wanted to annoy you," He said and sat next to me.

"Your not annoying me, I'm actually enjoying the view."

He got up and went into his room. He came back with a shirt on.

"Do you something to eat? I haven't eaten nothing," I ask.

"I make you a sandwich," He said and walk into the kitchen. 10 minutes later he cane back with my sandwich.

"What you wanna do?" He ask. I took a bite out my sandwich.

"I don't know."

He got up and put a movie in the DVD player and sat back down.

"What are we watching?" I ask. I didn't want to watch a scary movie. I'm still traumatized from watching Annebell.

When the name of the movie pop up, I wanted to kill Carson.

Texas Chainsaw. The 2013 version. 

"Hell No. We live in Texas. And according to that movie he still has family members still out there, and they are psycho just like him."

"Chica its just a movie." A movie based on a true story.

We were at the part when Leatherface was chasing Heather threw the little carnival, and then there was a knock on the door.

"Don't open it."

Carson did a little laugh and went up to open the door. Of he die, I'm going to say I told you so.

When the lady walk into the room, I was so happy it wasn't a psycho killer.

"Who's this?" The lady ask. She had a baby in her hand he looked about 16 or 18 months.

"I'm Ella," I said and held out my hand so she can shake it.

"This is the girl you been telling me about," The lady said and turn to Carson.

"I'm Isabella, Carson's mom," She said.

"Carson, I need you to watch Lucas. I got called into work early," She said while she was bouncing the baby up and down on her hip.

"Can't Tori watch him," Carson ask his mom.

"Your sister has a three year old, she is six months pregnant, and she is watching Nicole and Ace," She said with annoyance his her tone. She looked at her watch on her wrists and put baby Lucas his Carson arms.

"I might be home late. And just call me if he is having problems," She said. She place the diaper bag on the couch gave Lucas a kiss on the cheek and said a gooybye to me and Carson.

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