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Ella POV

~ 8 years later ~

"Stop running," I told Valentino.

Valentino is my five-year-old son. And he is a handful.

He isn't a handful with me though only with Carson.

Val is a momma's boy.

"Sit down and let me handle him. You shouldn't be stressing," Carson told me.

He's right.

I'm also eight months pregnant. And it's a girl.

I left the back yard and went into the kitchen with the rest of the ladies.

Chilli and Jay currently have two kids. Desiree is seven and Adrian is one.

Francisco and Rags also have two kids. Lorenzo who is 6 and Erica who is two months old.

Rosie and Chris has one kids. Julio, he is six, but she just found out she is pregnant.

And Hanna and Jamie ended up together and they have a son Isaac and he is five.

I kinda feel bad for Desiree, because she is the only girl out of all the boys and when they get older they are going to be very protective of her, even though she is the oldest.

"How's my granddaughter doing?" My mom and Isabella rubbed my stomach.


I sat on the stool and watch while all the ladies cook. My ass wasn't going to do nothing. I was just gonna seat and eat the food while they not looking.

We was having a cook out with all the family.

We like to do it every couple of months and it a lot of people that comes.

When I say all the family, I mean all the family. Francisco family, Rags family, Rosie family, and etc. So its a lot of people that come and it's my turn to host it.

I was eating some of Francisco mom's potato salad when I felt a tug at my shirt.

It was Valentino.

"Yes baby?"

"Can I get some?" Then he pointed at the potato salad.

I pick him up and put him in lap. I had to move back because of my pregnant belly.

He picked up the spoon I was using and started to eat.

Everybody love's Carmen (Francisco mom) potato salad.

I tried to get her to give me the recipe, but she didn't.

"Is that all you wanted?" I ask Val.

"Daddy hurt my arm."

I quicky took him on my lap and looked at his left arm. And I could see the bruise forming. I'm going to beat his ass.

"How did he do that?"

"Well Lor, Julio, Isaac, and me try to play football with the big people and then they let us play, and then daddy tackle me because I had the ball."

This little bastard.

"Let's clean up up arm and let mommy bandage it up and you can go back outside to play."

I took Val hand in mine and we walked to minr and Carson's room. It's going to be my room for a couple of months.

I went into the bathroom anf grabbed the first aid kit.

I clean the dirt from his arm and wrapped his arm with the bandage stuff.

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