Chapter Sixteen: I Love You

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Ella POV

"How do you feel about abortion?" Ms. Adams ask.

The while class hands went up except mine. We still haven't heard from Carson, Francisco, and Jay and me, Chilli, and Rags are getting worst by the day. Like yesterday Chilli threw her shoe at the gym teacher because, he wanted her to run a mile and she didn't want to and he kept pushing her to run a mile and she took her shoe off and hit him in the head with her shoe. She didn't get in trouble because the gym teacher has a crush on her.

And in lunch yesterday Rags dump her tray on a freshmen girl because she was looking at her.

"Ella, how do you feel about the topic?"

"I support abortion, but I think a woman should only get it when she is rape. I know they say adoption and all that other shit, but sometimes a woman can't live with their rapist baby inside of them."

"But their always adoption. You could give tye baby to a living family instead of killing it," Monica said. I don't like her. She is the type of person that think she knows it all and the type of person that think she is always right. Thats the type of girls I usually get in a fight with.

"Like I said, some woman's cannot live with their rapist baby inside of them. Its my opinion and I don't give a fuck is you agree with me or not."

"But like I said their always adopting. Give the baby to a family that can't have babys."

"Look bitch if you keep starting shit eith me. I'm going to go over their and punch you in the fucking face. I'm not in the mood to argue with a Kim Kardashian wannabe. So just sit their and shut the fuck up." I got out my seat and started walking to her. I'm so serious about puching her if she says one more thing. But of course Jamie had hold me back.

"You don't want to catch a case. If you punch her, she will call the cops."

"I wanna see you come over here and punch me." I try to break out of Jamies hold, but he wouldn't let go of me. So I bit him and went where Monica was sitting.

"Say it again."

"I wanna see you come over here and puch me." So I did what she said. I punch her in the eye. Then Jamie and another grab me and carried my back to my seat.

"The front office." Ms. Adams said and pointed to the door. I gather my stuff and went to the car.

Then I got a text from Jamie.

I let you bite me on purpose. I wanted to see you punch her.

If he wanted to see me punch her, he would've hold me back.


"What are you doing out of school?" My dad ask me when I came through the door.

"I punch a girl in the eye and the teacher sent me to the office."

"Why did you punch the girl?"

I explain how the punching happen. And gave me a high five. He like when his kids stand up for something they believe in.

"Next time don't punch her during school hours. Or around teachers," He said and went back to his office. Thats why me and my dad get along do well. He's pround of me when I win a fight. When I get in a fight and my mom knows about it, she wants to ground me.


I was in my room, watching Titanic, eating ice cream and Doritos, and wearing a big t-shirt with no pants and no bra. And some black jordan knee high socks.

I was really comfortable. 

I was at the part in Titanic where Jack and Rose was standing at the tip of the ship and doing the Titanic pose. I always cry at the part when Rose lets Jack go. Stupid bitch should've keep holding him.

Then their was a knock at my door.

"Who ever it is. Leave me alone." Then I dipped my Doritos in the ice cream. Its a good combination.

"Can I come in?"

I stared at the door in shock.

It can't be him.

I jump out the bed and ran to the door and opened it.

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you going to let me in?"

"Why should I let you in? You just left out of the blue. You wouldn't answer my calls, my texts. You could've wrote me a fucking letter. But no you didn't, so give me one fucking good reason why should I let you in."

"I will explain everything to you. Just put on some clothes and I will explain everything to you."

He came into my room and sat on my bed while I went to my closet. I grabbed the clothes I wanted to wear and went to the bathroom.

I hopped in the shower.


"Are you ready?"

"Don't fucking rush me."

I finish putting on my lipstick, then went back to my room to get my shoes and socks. After I grabbed them I went back into the bathroom.

I put socks and shoes on, sprayed a little perfume on me and when bsck into my room.

I was wearing a top that made my boobs look like a z cup. Jeans that made me have a Kardashian ass and my black Jordans.

"A-Are you ready?" He said with a stutter.

"What happen to your face?" He had a busted lip and a black eye. I my hand by his eye and he winced.

"Chilli punch me in the lip and Chris punch me in the eye." I wasn't going to feel bad for him, he deserve it.

"Well you deserve it." I said and grabed my jacket off my bed and went downstairs.


"Where are we?" He pulled to a forrest. This aint no Bella Edward shit.

"I wanna talk to you here." He said grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car.

I don't know where he is going, but if I get killed tonight because of him, I'm going to haunt him.

He stopped at a clearing.

"Start explaining."

"I'm in a gang. Not only am I in a gang. I'm the second leader. And I was gone for a long time because the gang had to go to California. Jay and Francisco is also in the gang that's why they left too. I wanted to tell you we was leaving for a long time. But our boss wouldn't let me tell you. He would've killed me if I did."

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't expecting this.

"It hurt me those two weeks we were gone because I miss you so much. I wanted to call you. I wanted to answer your calls and texts. I'm sorry I didn't tell you we left."

"Why did ypu miss me? I didn't miss you." I lied.

"You can stop lying someone kept me updated while I was in California. And I miss you because I love you." Did he really just say that.

"Yes I did really say that. I love you. I love that your not like regular Hispanic girls. I love that your violent and have anger problems. I love everything about you. Your like my person drug." Then he crash his lips on mine.

I pulled away, "I love you too."


Not Edit.

Ignore any mistakes.

So Carson came back in this chapter. I'm happy is anyone else.

Pic of Ella dad in the side.



Love you guys


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