Chapter Fifteen: He Left

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Ella POV

Its been two weeks since we saw Francisco, Jay, or Carson. Me, Rags, and Chilli been walking around like zombies. I bearly want to take a shower, only when my mom forces me to take one, I bearly been eating. All I want is to stay in my bed and for people to leave me alone.

"Ella, its your turn." It was game night and I really don't want to play any game, but my mom dragged me down here. She's worried I might commit suicide or something.

"I don't want to play," I say and close my eyes again.

"I know Carson leaving is hurting you, but you can't stop life because he left. You have to keep going," My mom said.

"You don't know what I'm going through. Dad never left you out of the blue. I don't have know idea where Carson is. He could be dead in a ditch somewhere and your telling me to move on," I yelled at her. I went upstairs to my room and change into my pajamas and went to sleep.


"What's the answer to the problem?" Mr. Gilbert, my math teacher ask.

Everyone raised their hands except me. But of course he called on me anyway.

"21," I say. I didn't even look at the board. I been trying to go to sleep, but everytime he did a problem, he would call on me.

"It would actually help is you look at the board and work out the problem," He said. He is really getting on my nerves.

"Well I don't want to look at the board or work out the problem. As you can see I'm trying to sleep. Now if you keeping calling on me to answer these fucking problems, I'm going to tell my mom to arrest you because your harassing me."

After that he didn't call on me. I finally go some sleep.


"You hungry?" Jamie ask.

I shook my head and then put my head down. Chilli or Rags didn't come to school today. Chilli and Rags is taking it harder then me.since Jay and Francisco was actually their boyfriends.

"You have to eat something," He said.

"Im not fucking hungry. So stop asking me." I,been snapping on everyone since Carson left. They been trying to make me do stuff, when I really just want to be left alone.

"Just because Carson left and he is the love of your life, doesn't mean you could be a bitch. I'm just trying to be nice."

I tried to apologize, but he alrrady left and I don't have a lot of energy to chase after him.


"How was school?" My mom ask me when I came into the door.

"Okay," I say.

"I got a call from your principal. He said you been snapping, and threatening yoir teachers. Saying that you going to get me to arrest them. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"The guy that I love is somewhere in this fucking world and I don't know if he is okay. And it hurts that he just left and didn't tell me."

I went upstairs to my room.

I was trying to sleep, but noises was coming from Drake room.

I got out my bed and went to his room. I didn't knock, just went in.

"You need to shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep. And need time you wanna have sex with your sluts, have sex at their house."


Not edit.

Hope you like it.

I hop you still like Ella after this chapter.

I know it short.

Pic of Drake on the side.



Love You


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