Chapter 4: Old Friends

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¤ CB's POV ¤

Kellen finally looked at me and to my surprise, he had his eyes wide open in shock and in a split second, he hugged me tightly. "CB! OH MY GLOB ITS REALLY YOU GUUURL!!" He gushed playfully. 

I hugged him back with a smile, as we both laugh at each other. Man, its been so long since the last I've seen him! He changed a lot!

"KEL! Browh what happened to your hair!? This used to be light brown when we were younger, right!?" I gushed playfully, pointing out his hair with a smile.

He chuckled at me lightly. "Well, I got it dyed in that color permanently when I was in the last years of my Middle School, so from now on it'll look like that." 

"Ugh, can people with blue eyes stop coloring their hair into white? It kinda reminds me of Jack Frost, really, he's a childhood crush," I joked with a dreamy sigh, as Kellen laughed uncontrollably with a warm smile.

"I HEARD THAT!" Ennard said from the shotgun as me and Kellen laughed once more, while the van suddenly stopped into a red light. The dickhead named Freddy in front looked at us at the back, with my brother Ennard joining him.

Freddy raised an eyebrow at me while gesturing to me and Kellen, as I shot him a glare. "How did you two meet?" He asked, pointing his two fingers at the both of us.

"We were classmates in 1st Grade, but then I have to move to another school because of the others bullying me. Remember?" Kellen said with a small shrug, as his gaze landed on mine. He felt uncomfortable after saying that, as his head stayed down.

I got the chance to focus more on what he looked like, he was more built than when we were young. Gosh he look way cooler than the last time I saw him; I guess that's what it looks like when puberty hits you.

"Yeah, when you were weak," Freddy joked with a snicker as Ennard laughed a little. Kellen remained silent beside me, he was clearly bothered by what his brother said, but I was already glaring daggers at the guy who's literal hair color is a dick.

Maybe that's why he's such a dickhead. This guy is a literal one.

I laughed in loudly with them, with the obvious note of sarcasm which made Ennard and Freddy's laugh slowly fade, and when they stopped laughing I stopped as well.

"You really need to watch your words, right dickhead?" I spat when I said the word dickhead, because trust me that's 100% him. This guy just had a free one-way ticket to my nerves.

He just laughed at me, I can't tell if he was genuine or no, as he continued to drive us to school on the green light. I felt that the school was really far, but when I checked my watch it was just about 15 minutes when we left the house. Weird, I guess once you hop in this meanie's van I'd say time will go slow. Not sure, its my first time here.

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