Chapter 10: Background Check

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¤ CB's POV ¤

"So CB, you're new here, aren't you?" Bonnie asked me while taking a bite of his hamburger, as I nodded a little in reply. "Actually, me and my mom just moved here recently," I added, making Bonnie nod.

"From where though?" He added, making me remember a really uncomfortable memory, so I gave him a look. I'm glad he decided to not push the question on, so he gave me an understanding nod.

I swear, everything before we moved here should stay private between me and my mom only.

There was a short moment of silence with us peacefully eating lunch, before Mangle thought of breaking it, thankfully. "Do you have any hobbies?" She asked to lighten up the mood, as I nodded again in reply.

Might as well comply to their "background check".

"Mainly listening to all kinds of music I can get my hands on, or you'll see me read about politics. Sometimes I'm just taking random pictures that seems aesthetic to me, play games with my dad, or just watch different theatrical plays," I said simply while eating on my food calmly with my head down.

As soon as I looked up to them, they were either with agape mouths or surprised expressions on their faces. Chica even raised an eyebrow at me.

Excuse me, what?

Foxy cleared his mouth to break the awkward tension. "Wow, you have so many things in common with Cap," Foxy stated out loud, and the rest of them nodded in agreement.

All except for Kellen and Joe with their noses on the phone while playing a game. They seem to be getting along very well, and I'm actually happy for Kellen because he's willing to socialize with other people, since he was too afraid to do so back at 1st Grade.

I fake coughed lightly, getting down to get my water bottle from below and drinking some water down without hesitation.

"Yeah, Fred and Ennard should be here any minute now, what's taking them too long?" Chica suddenly asked out of the blue, as I almost choked on my mashed potatoes.

Effing shit.
Anyone but that dickhead.

Everyone on the table, including Kellen and Joe, looked at me worriedly. "Are you alright CB?" Chica asked me.

I quickly cleaned the excess mashed potatoes that exited my mouth with my left arm, and nodded in reply while wiping my dirty arm on my personalized towel. I like keeping myself sanitary, so whenever something happens then I'll be ready for it.

Chica went beside me and took the seat next to mine, as I drink some water on my water bottle.

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