Chapter 5: Happy Travels Along With Lucid Secrets

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¤ Freddy's POV ¤

The rest of the drive on the way to school was really silent. Finally, some silence.

It's a good thing that she decided to keep her mouth shut, or else I would've said anything other than things that she's not supposed to know just yet. 

Who would even tell things that are so sensitive to think about to a person you ain't close with? What an idiotic move.

As I drove the van to the school, I can only lay my mind on one thing at the moment; Ennard's childish step sister, Baby. I really hated every little detail about her. I feel as if she's going to be the talk of the town once she does something stupid that everyone saw.

Hey, don't judge me for it, because I bet that she has the same attitude as Chi. And we all know how Chi is, and honestly, I don't even want to know her anything about her persona.

Everything about her, every action she makes, reminds me of the one person who broke my heart into billions of pieces.

It pained me so much to see Chi walk away and cheat, but it hurted more to see someone new come into my life that acts exactly like her and would probably end up doing the same thing to other people.

My mind was dragged back to reality when I saw the Main Entrance and Exit of the parking lot. I parked it near to where we entered the lot so that we won't have to walk all the way to the other side to drive it.

Honestly, the mere thought of it is just plain stupidity.

I turned off the van's engine, and got my bag beside me and opened all the doors so everyone can go out the van. When everyone was out, we closed the van's doors and started walking towards the Main Entrance of the school.

Ennard was right beside me when Kellen and Baby were talking just a little far of the left side from Ennard.

First thing I noticed today, is that Kellen and Baby were starting to catch up on one another, since they both sucked at whispering. They'd whisper things like "I watch Markiplier too!" and "P!ATD for life!"

They seemed to be really close friends when we were young, and I hope that it will stay that way.

I hope.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ennard nudging me lightly on my shoulder. I turned my head lightly to face him.

He looked at me with an apologetic look. "Fred, I'm really sorry for CB. Its just that she's new here, and I know she doesn't want to feel left out. I also know that she won't act that way to someone she doesn't know yet," He babbled quickly in a hushed tone, loud enough for me to hear and quiet enough so that his step sister won't hear.

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