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Have you ever experienced when your perfectly normal day gets destroyed by something that's really unexpected, then all of a sudden everything escalates too quickly, up to the point that the situation gets worse and it all happened too fast for you to understand, making you wish that everything should've flowed normally; the way it was?

It was just totally unexpected, that it feels like you got jump scared by the monsters in a VR Horror game without any signs that they were coming that it even gave you nightmares.

Or when you and your teammates almost won the game but the enemies just had to wipe you all out with their unexpectedly perfect set up, making them have an epic comeback.

Or something bad happened during your stage play and it destroys the momentum in the stage that everyone in it loses the hope of performing the best underrated stage plays in your school.

Or when you have the ball in your hands to tie the game and gain a chance in winning the Championship Cup, but eventually you screw up everything and everyone just can't stand looking at you afterwards.

Even the small regret of not raising your hand to the question your teacher asked even though you knew the answer to it, but your anxiety got the best of you and you chose to just wait for the teacher to say the answer, only to reveal that you were right all along.

You are lucky if you haven't experienced something like that. And don't wish for it to happen to you. If you have, then I'm just in the same boat as you are.

Its at these times that the devil had the "element of surprise", that we just didn't see it coming and it happens mostly to people with unsuspecting minds and with great trust in the phrase "everything will be okay."

And me and my mom were one of its victims.

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"Mary, where did you put the orange juice again?" I asked my sister lazily while closing my eyes tiredly, a small groan escaping my dry lips.

She put down the newspaper she was reading and looked at me with an annoyed look on her face while raising an eyebrow as if giving me a look that meant, "are you serious?"

I gave her a small frown while flashing her my puppy eyes, finally answering her silent question.

She sighed a little while shaking her head. "Its in the fridge matchstick. And go make sure you get some for me too."

I glared at her playfully while sticking my tongue out, making her chuckle a little. "You get your own orange juice lazy-butt."

"If you don't get me a glass of orange juice, then I'll tell mom all about how you stole $20 just to buy Odette's new skin," She threatened with a small smirk, making my eyes go wide.

Psh, just because she's younger than me doesn't mean she's always right.

Sweeter Than Fiction (Freddy x Baby) || DISCONTINUED ||Where stories live. Discover now