Chapter 2

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We flew over the water and I visualized the map Hiccup was always sketching so we would not get lost. Sea stacks loomed above the water, simple obstacles we flew stealthily between. The endless stretch of water continued as time dragged slowly on without any signs of the boy and his black dragon. Itchy Eye Island and Sneezing Nose were vacant without a trace indicating their presence. Could they be on Rose Petal Island?

These new islands Hiccup discovered, he sketched on a foldable map which was growing quite large as he continued to add to it. Each of the names were determined by Toothless's actions. Apparently, those days he had and an itchy eye and was sneezing. However, one island was not named by the dragon. That was 'Rose Petal Island'.

One day Hiccup had taken me to a new island he had found, saying it was a surprise. The island he guided me to was filled with pink flowers on the trees, bushes, even on some patches of grass. I simply stood in awe at the sight because the beauty and splendor were overwhelming. "It reminds me of you," Hiccup had said, "and I want you to name it." I looked at him and then around me, declaring after a moment of thought that it was Rose Petal Island. After my proclamation, he had taken the map out from his satchel and added a piece of paper to it. Together, we sketched the island.

Shadow and I now flew over the same island observing the petals that were as beautiful as ever. Although, some patches of flowers were wilting. A foreign thought entered my mind, What if those flowers are like my relationship with Hiccup? They bloomed beautifully and thrived but are they now beginning to wilt slowly until decay? I pushed the questions from my mind, trying to convince myself I was overthinking. Our relationship was not dying and not a mistake. But I couldn't help my worry.

Based on my memory of the map, Rose Petal was the last island we discovered. Whatever lay beyond this point was unknown and potentially dangerous, but I continued to fly on as the land behind me disappeared from sight. Water once again stretched as far as I could see with its waves silently tossing below. The sun above glistened on the sea and clouds dotted the sky as I breathed the fresh air in deeply, the wind blowing my hair from my face. This was life. This was the feeling I treasured.

A few minutes passed when a small dot of land came into view. "Land over there, Shadow," I patted her head and she flew faster from anticipation, her powerful wings sending us soaring through the air. There they are. Hiccup's small figure appeared as we approached the island and Toothless sat on his haunches waiting expectantly for us. He roared loudly in greeting and Shadow answered with a blast in the sky. I laughed as we landed and slid off the saddle before Toothless tackled Shadow playfully. To between two playful dragons is a dangerous spot.

"Afternoon, m'lady," Hiccup spoke cheerfully, not looking up from where he sketched his map. The dragons tumbled around as I walked toward him. "Where have you been?"

"Winning races, waiting for you to show up, and then decided to take action," I began the list and crossed my arms, standing between him and the view of the island he was sketching. "Where have you been?" Although my tone betrayed my frustration, he appeared not to read the cues.

He looked up at me and nervously twirled between his fingers the charcoal stick he had been drawing with. "Avoiding my dad," he admitted with a sigh. He sat back on his haunches just as Toothless had with once bright green eyes now clouded with burdens.

I sighed, my shoulders then relaxing and willed myself to put aside my anger. I walked around the map spread out on the ground to sit next to him. My arms had uncrossed and I took the charcoal stick from his hands to continue the drawing he had begun. "Tell me what happened this time."

He put a gentle hand on my leg as he began his story. I stopped sketching as he enticed me into the tale with his enthusiasm. "Oh, you're gonna love this," he said sarcastically and removed his hand to put it in the sky and the other arm around me, pulling me close to his side. "I wake up. The sun's shining." He moved the hand in the air in a circular motion. "Terrible Terrors are singing on the rooftop. I saunter down to breakfast, thinking all is right with the world and I get . . ." He stood up from the ground and puffed out his chest, straightening his shoulders in an impression of the chief. I giggled.

"Son, we need to talk," he deepened his voice as best he could.

"Not now, Dad," I interrupted, lowering my own voice and shrugged my shoulders in my own imitation of Hiccup. It was a strange habit of his to move his shoulders when speaking but a characteristic that made me smile. "I've got a whole day of goofing off to get started," I smirked as he grimaced playfully.

"Okay, first of all," he lifted a finger, "I don't sound like that. What is this character? And second," he held up another finger, "What is that thing you're doing with my shoulders?"

"What?" I shrugged my shoulders as I spoke.

"A truly flattering impersonation. Anyway, he goes," he cleared his throat and resumed the performance. "You're the pride of Berk, son, and I couldn't be prouder."

"Aw, thanks, Dad," I interrupted again, continuing to shrug my shoulders and adding hand motions that he used all the time. "I'm pretty impressed with myself too."

"When have I ever done that with my hands?" he gestured with his hands as he spoke.

"You just did!" I laughed and playfully threw some dirt on his boots. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arms, holding them tightly, but gently.

"Okay, just hold still." His eyes twinkled from his humorous mood. "It's very serious." I smiled as he released his grip and continued. "You're all grown up," his voice lowered again as he walked around with his chest puffed out and shoulders stiff, "and since no chief could ask for a better successor, I've decided—"

"To make you chief!" I finished for him, standing up with an expression of shock and pride. "Hiccup, that's amazing!" I smiled but it soon faded once I realized how much he would despise the position. His thirst for adventure would be never be satisfied because his responsibilities would not allow him to leave Berk. His home would become a prison he could never escape.

I looked over his shoulder to see Toothless pinning Shadow to the ground, their noses inches apart. I nudged my shoulder into his, silently nodding my head toward the dragons. Hiccup turned to look at them as well, the two reptiles lost in each other's eyes. Toothless paused before closing his eyes and pressing his nose against Shadow's and his wings extended, acting as a curtain to hide them from our view.

"They're so cute," I said with a smile and continued to look at them for a few moments before sitting back down to resume drawing the map.

"Yeah," Hiccup sat down next to me and gazed off into the distance. "At least he'll be able to spend more time with her now."

I stared at him sideways, "Tell me something." He broke out of his thoughts and looked at me. "Four years ago there was one night when the dragons were rampaging us again. A Monstrous Nightmare had attacked me, but someone pulled me out of the way and led me up a hill to safety. I have had suspicions for the past years that it was you, but you have never said anything. I want to know."

He looked blankly at me, but remembrance flooded his eyes and I knew it was him. "I didn't want to tell you because I was nervous you would think of me differently." His gaze shifted to the ground and he pulled up a tuft of grass.

I laid a hand on his leg and he glanced at it before looking up to meet my gaze. "Thank you." I let the moment pass before removing my hand and punching him firmly in the arm.

"Ow!" Caught off guard, he dropped the grass and held the tender spot. "What was that for?"

"You owe me a picnic!"

He rolled his eyes and got up, walking over to Toothless and Shadow who were laying on the grass next to each other, taking naps. He reached into a compartment in his dragon's saddle, pulling out a basket. "I was thinking it would happen differently, but how would you react if I told you I brought it along?" He raised his eyebrows as he tilted his head at me accusingly.

I winced, guilty as charged. "I would say I owe you?"

"Big time." He smiled and returned to me, opening the basket and taking out my favorite foods he had packed.

The Middle of Our Story (Hiccup x OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now