Chapter 7

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Hiccup walked to me with a beaming face as he grabbed my hand. "Come on, Marish. I've got something special to show you!" He led me into a dark cave where cages contained captured dragons clasped in chains. In utter shock and fear, I yanked my hand away from his.

"Hiccup, this is horrible!" I stepped back but as Hiccup turned to me, his figure morphed into Drago Bloodvist. In response, I screamed and ran but my wrists were grasped. I was held back by a strong grip and dragged backward into the darkness to be whipped.

I awoke from the nightmare abruptly when I heard the clinking of pots. When my eyes opened, I saw Stoick, Gobber, Hiccup, Toothless, a Stormcutter dragon, and Grump walking into the room.

"Marish?" The chief suddenly bent over me. Shadow barred her teeth and let out a soft growl to warn him of her protective sharp bite, but he merely patted her head, "Hello to you too, Shadow." He looked back at me and pointed at her over his shoulder with his thumb. "You know, I don't think she likes me very much."

I giggled, but the laugh quickly turned to a cough. Hiccup rushed over to my side and wished he could help, but there was not much to be done. My head pounded with each cough as if someone were hitting it with a hammer as they would hit a bell. As the coughing eventually managed to cease, Hiccup tried to adjust me into a more comfortable position despite my comments that I was fine.

He gave in and sat down beside the bed, leaning his back against its base. "Mom, you'd never recognize it!" He spoke of Berk fondly as he sat and gestured with his hands. "Where we used to make weapons, we now build saddles, wing slings—we even fix dragon teeth! You wouldn't believe how much everything's changed." I smiled as I reached down with a hand to thread it affectionately through his soft shaggy hair.

His mother forced a smile, but her thoughts were elsewhere as she handed him a plate of fish she had cooked. From her other hand, she gave me a bowl of soup that contained the nutrients I needed. I nodded my thanks as Hiccup rose with concern and helped me to sit up. He sat beside me, putting his arm around my waist to stabilize my weak body as I ate.

"Our son's changed Berk for the better," Stoick added pridefully. "I think we did well with this one, Val." He placed his hands on her shoulders, but the unexpected action caused her to drop a plate onto the ground from surprise.

"I'm . . . a little out of practice," she apologized.

My stomach growled as I popped a spoonful of the soup into my mouth. A shiver ran down my spine as the warmth of it slid down my throat.

"Well, y'know . . . I didn't marry you for your cooking."

I smiled at the sight of the new tender light that filled Stoik's eyes and leaned my head gently on Hiccup's shoulder. He leaned his head against mine, his soft brown hair tickling my ear.

"I hope not," Gobber spoke to us from nearby. "Her meatballs could kill more beasts than a battle ax. Still got a few knocking around in here." I giggled as Gobber took a bite and gagged in disgust before dumping the rest into Grump's mouth. Again, the giggle irritated my throat so I began coughing, and I lifted my head from his shoulder to cover my mouth with my hand.

"And once you move back in," Hiccup continued, speaking to Valka, "with all of your dragons, Drago won't even stand a chance. Everything will be okay."

I felt sympathetic toward her. It was a lot to think about after being gone so many years. She had disappeared when Hiccup was a baby after being carried away by a dragon and assumed to have been eaten.

Stoick placed a hand on Hiccup's shoulder. "Slow down, son. It's a lot to take in."

He nodded knowingly and I continued to eat the soup. The flavor was slightly bitter, but I finished it all and was grateful for the meal. After a time, the throbbing in my head had become less frequent though shifts of pounding returned occasionally.

The chief began to whistle a tune, a courting song played often at weddings.

Valka turned away from him and froze when she recognized the song. The memories surprised her so that she didn't notice the flask she was filling with water begin to overflow.

"Remember our song, Val?"

I set the empty bowl that had held my soup aside and snuggled into Hiccup's side comfortably, laying my head on his shoulder again.

The chief had his back turned to us as he focused on his wife and sang softly, "I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life, if you with marry me."

I could tell she was struggling with many emotions that flooded her.

"No scorching sun, nor freezing cold will—"

"Will stop me on my journey!" Gobber sang out of tune, wrapped up in one of his favorite songs. Stoick glared back and him and he forced a cough, suddenly embarrassed. "Sorry."

The chief decided to continue, "If you will promise me your heart." He paused a moment. This was her part of the duet, "And love . . ." He began her line, hoping to jog her memory and longing to hear her say the words.

Silence hung in the air as she didn't respond.

"And love me for eternity," she sang, causing everyone in the room to smile. Valka set down the flask and walked to the center of the room, holding up her forearm as an invitation to dance.

Stoick beamed and joined her as he placed his forearm against hers.

"My dearest one, my darling dear," Valka sang her part as they danced, "your mighty words astound me. But I've no need of mighty deeds, when I feel your arms around me." The missteps made by feet that had not danced to that tune for many years did not alter the beauty of their reunion.

"But I would bring you rings of gold. I'd even sing you poetry. And I would keep you from all harm, if you'd stay here beside me."

"I have no use for rings of gold. I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold. I only want you near me."

Gobber, unable to contain himself, hopped up and held out a hand for mine. "If you don't mind."

I smiled and took his hand once Hiccup released me. I stood up with enough strength to slowly learn the steps until I got the hang of it. The song continued on as we gradually increased speed. My eyes were so focused on my feet that when I looked up, I hadn't noticed Hiccup had taken Gobber's place. We smiled at each other as we danced with his parents, his green eyes bright and face beaming.

"To love and kiss, to sweetly hold," the others sang as we danced. "For the dancing and the dreaming. Through all life's sorrow and the delights, I'll keep your love inside me. I'll swim and sail through savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me!" It took a moment for Hiccup and I to comprehend the last phrase 'If you will marry me'. As it still hung in the air, we stepped apart. Our eyes met with an intense gaze before I diverted my attention to the ground and sat down on the bed again. My breathing was heavy from the dancing and I barely noticed Gobber holding the last note. My thoughts plunged me into a place separate from all that was around me.

Is there more to our relationship? We had such fun dancing and I got lost in his eyes, taken to another world I never wanted to leave. Maybe there was something beyond what we were living now, but we were too young to truly consider marriage. Somehow, I knew he knew my feelings and thoughts. He was just that way. We knew each other so well and had been friends for years, becoming closer each day that we could read each other like no one else.

I looked up and smiled as the chief stood with Valka and Hiccup. "We can be a family! What do you say?"

"Yes!" she said, excitedly.

"Great," Gobber stuck his head into the reunion. "I'll do the cooking."

The Middle of Our Story (Hiccup x OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now