Chapter 6

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"Marish," Hiccup called to me. "Marish, come on . . ." His voice faded and was replaced after a few minutes by the familiar thumps of Shadow pouncing across the floor. Her breath softly tickled my cheek.

It was then that woke up to see a strange looking woman bent over me, her hand touching my throbbing head. Startled, I screamed and tried to scurry away, but she firmly grasped my arms to hold me down. "Don't move, dear," she said in a concerned voice and worried expression.

"Wh-where's Hiccup?" I stuttered. "And Shadow?"

"Hiccup went to get fish for dinner," she continued investigating my head. "This is the first time he's left your side for hours. He didn't want to go, but I told him it would be good if he got some fresh air instead of breathing in this dragon smell." She chuckled softly.

"What are you doing?" I sucked in a breath as I experienced a sudden pain that felt like someone had driven an axe through my skull. I reached up to press my pounding head, but my hands were grabbed and held down.

"Don't touch it. I have wrapped it up for you, but you must not touch it." I heard the woman click her tongue as I clamped my eyes shut as if hoping to shut out the throbbing. "It is a shame such a young las should have to go through this . . ."

A silent tear slid down my face as she released my arms gently. She stood up and went over to a blazing fire pit where she leaned over a black pot. As the flames heated the pot, the crooked being looked like a witch in her hut. "Who are you?" I asked timidly, afraid she might turn me into a frog.

"I'll let Hiccup tell you that. If I tell you, you may not believe me." She stirred the pot with a big spoon. "He should be back very shortly. You have a dragon?"

"Yes," I paused, wondering if I should tell her. She might turn Shadow into an eel and Toothless into a fish. Maybe even turn Hiccup into a fly. I pushed the thoughts away. She had helped me, hadn't she? This witch may be a friend. "A Sand Wraith."

"So that is the 'Shadow' friend you mentioned earlier in your sleep." She tapped the spoon against the rim of the bowl to knock the water from it. "Sand Wraiths are becoming rarer, you know. Almost as rare as Night Furies."

"Do you know why?" My suspicions grew. Maybe she was another trapper and partnered with Drago.

She looked at me curiously. "Well, I certainly haven't been killing them, dear," She chuckled quietly as she set down the spoon and walked to the opening of the room. As she looked outside the opening I realized the room looked almost like a cave with a fire pit in its center and a few rocks for sitting. The room's opening led to a larger space I couldn't see, but I assumed we were one cave among many and that the witch was looking into the center of the whole structure.

A moment later, I heard the sound of flapping wings from the opening and Shadow suddenly pranced over to me, sticking her head in my face. I reached up to touch her familiar nose. "Hi, Shadow," I smiled as she stuck out her tongue and licked my hand.

"Marish?" Hiccup's voice suddenly came. I looked over to see him drop a sac full of fish and run to my side. "Marish, you're okay! When the dragons brought you, it looked like you were dead." He put a hand to my face as his eyes looking intently into mine. "I was scared."

I smiled and raised my hand to rest against his as I laughed softly, "You're still stuck with me, Hiccup."

He smiled back before he removed his hand and suddenly become excited. "Oh! Marish, I want you to meet someone." He ran away for a moment to bring the woman back. "This is my mother, Valka."

My mouth dropped open and my finger pointed at her. "She is your mother?" At once, I made the connection. Same hair, same face structure, same nose. "She is your mother . . ."

"Mom," Hiccup introduced me, "this is Marish."

"We have already met and I think she is very pretty," she winked at Hiccup. "Now, come. We must make dinner for her. Her strength fades and she needs nutrients." They left the room for a while and Toothless left with Hiccup, but Shadow sat beside my bed to keep my company.

It was not long before my eyes drooped until they closed and sleep overtook me.

The Middle of Our Story (Hiccup x OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now