Chapter 3

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We ate, continuing to talk about his life as soon-to-be chief, the sun rising higher into the sky until it was mid-afternoon. "I don't know who I am, Marish," Hiccup spoke his thoughts aloud. "I'm not my dad and I've never known my mom. You've always known who you are."

We lay on the grass side by side, gazing into the sky and watching clouds move above us. "I only know who I am because of you. My father died when I was seven, eaten by a Night Fury. Because of his death, my mother wouldn't let me join the recruits to fight dragons and I was forced to go behind her back to watch them train. I lived a life of deceit trying to discover who I was."

A fluffy cloud that looked like a sheep passed overhead and my eyes filled with tears. "My closest friend was a sheep, Hiccup. I was isolated from having friendships with others because my mother was trying to keep me safe. Despite her efforts, Wooly led me to the cove and to you." I blinked back the tears and turned my head, looking at Hiccup to find him already looking at me with bright green eyes. "It was my first flight with you that I discovered who I was. I was a dragon rider. I wanted adventure and you gave it to me. You made me know who I am."

My words hung in the silence as we lay beside each other, looking into the other's eyes. Understanding hit him and he sat up, looking thoughtfully out across the land. I sat up next to him and continued my speech. "You're looking in all the wrong places. What you're looking for isn't out there. You know that you're not your dad, but I didn't find who I was by going behind my mother's back or learning about dragons. I found who I was when I let someone help me look into my heart. Let me help you look into yours." I put a hand on his chest, his heart beating a steady rhythm.

He had heard my words, but his eyes were still off in the distance. I removed my hand and followed his eyes. "You're right," he finally spoke, "but something is out there and it doesn't look good." My eyes suddenly found where he was looking. Ominous Smoke rose in the distance.

"What do you say, up for an adventure?" I looked at him with a smile.

"Let's go." He smirked, getting up and offering me a hand. I accepted the offer and he pulled me to my feet, folding up the map as I packed up the picnic.

Soon, we were soaring over the island toward the smoke, flying up the side of a mountain. "Stay close," Hiccup ordered to me when he reached the top, seeing something I couldn't since Shadow lagged behind a bit. Her thoughts were obviously somewhere else.

"What is it, Hiccup?" I pushed Shadow up toward him as he waited for us, hovering above the trees with Toothless's massive wings keeping them in midair. A gasp escaped my lips as I saw ice in the water. But it wasn't only ice, it was massive gigantic spikes of ice sticking out of the water. "It's almost an island of itself." I flew beside him as we swooped in to observe it closer. I was in awe as my eyes scanned every part of the structure. We were flying around the ice formation when a boat suddenly appeared from its hiding place in the crevices. "Hiccup, look out!"

The boat fired a bola into the air, aimed at the Night Fury and his rider. They managed to dodge it, but while I had warned him, another bola was fired toward me unnoticed. I was caught under the net with Shadow, shouting angry comments. "Dragon claws!" I ignored Hiccup's shouts as he attempted to rescue me and instead reached in vain toward my shoe. A knife was always hidden in my boot, but the net prevented my hand from reaching it.

We began to fall through the air, Shadow roaring angrily. "Come on!" I shouted, frustrated as I continued to reach. Finally, my hand slid into my boot, the rope cutting into my arm. I gritted my teeth as my hand grasped the grip. We hit the boards of the boat harshly and Shadow managed to twist her body so she received most of the impact while I attempted to cut through the ropes which bound us.

The Middle of Our Story (Hiccup x OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now