Chapter 4

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We set down at Berk beside Gobber's blacksmith stall after our long flight. Hiccup slid off Toothless's saddle and took off his helmet before tossing it to me. "I'll talk to you later," he said. He then ran into the shop to talk to his dad while ignoring the complaints from Gobber that he was late.

I shook my head and laughed, thoughtfully considering the helmet in my hands. He always says romantic, cute things in a bland way. I walked back to my house with the two dragons following behind me, their eyes wide with playfulness. They hummed and purred at my heels to beg for a snack when they noticed the full basket of fish in the barn.

After they had caught the fish I tossed into the air, the dragons quickly entertained themselves by playfully chasing each other throughout the village. I smiled as I turned my attention to the bleating sheep in their pens who complained for their own meal.

The gentle breeze that based through the barn drew my back outside into the sunshine. I took a moment to observe the peaceful atmosphere of Berk before deciding to walk to the arena. In previous years it had been used to train recruits to fight dragons, but now it was reformed and trained recruits to ride dragons. Snotlout, Fishlegs, the twins and Astrid taught the students, but Hiccup and I checked on them frequently to make sure the correct material was being taught and everything was orderly.

Shadow stopped playing with Toothless when she noticed my presence and pranced over to me with curious eyes and a tilted her head as if to ask where I was going. "Some new trainees entered today at the academy," I informed her as Toothless caught up to us and we walked together to the school. Suddenly the sound of chaos reached my ears.

I ran toward the arena after seeing lines of fire shooting up from the chain roof. I increased my speed and entered the ring to see roughly 15 Viking children running around the arena laughing and Hookfang, Snotlout's Monstrous Nightmare, firing wildly. Nothing was being taught and this was definitely not orderly. "Snotlout?" I shouted at the twenty-year-old boy who stood helplessly in the midst of the event.

"What?" he asked as one of Hookfang's blasts singed his hair despite his effort to duck. "I have it under control!"

I glared at the twins who ran around with the children, causing more trouble than good. "Round them up," I ordered to Toothless and Shadow. They ran after the children, gently picking them up in their mouths and putting them onto their backs. As they did this, I walked over to Snotlout and grabbed roughly him by the shirt, dragging him to where Fishlegs huddled nervously behind a barrel. I released him and went to grab the twins.

"Ow!" Ruffnut screamed as I grasped her arm.

"You'll never catch me alive!" Her brother ran off, but I pinched his arm and gripped it firmly. "Okay, so you caught me, but that doesn't mean I'll go peacefully." He began to make noises that resembled a dying whale as I dragged them both away.

I let them go, but not without stepping 'accidentally' on Tuffnut's foot to shut him up from belting his whale impressions. "You guys are twenty years old!" I shouted angrily at them. "The dragons," I pointed over my shoulder at their trained dragons who were flying the children around the arena, "are doing a better job than you!"

"You two," I pointed to the twins, "need to grow up and stop acting like children." I pointed at Snotlout. "You need to establish authority and you," I pointed at Fishlegs, "need to stop cowering when presented with a difficult task. Find its weaknesses and punch it in the face." I paused for a moment, breathing heavily before calming myself.

"You all can go home for today," I sighed, the fire in my eyes dying as I collected my anger and targeted it at the task ahead. "I'll teach the next lesson."

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